I have a 2 matrices, each of them are 3 by 3 (call them M1 and M2, each of their entries are of type Int in Z3. I need to add the constraint that says all pairs of the form ([M1[i][j], M2[i][j]) are distinct (i and j are arbitrary indices for the matrix).
In other words,
if (i1,j1) != (i2,j2)
then ([M1[i1][j1], M2[i1][j1]) != ([M1[i2][j2], M2[i1][j2])
I tried making an array of all the pairs, called array, then using Distinct(array), but this doesn't seem to work since I get an error saying
"At least one of the arguments must be a Z3 expression"
Is there a way to see if 2 pairs of integers are distinct in Z3 for Python? And if not what's a good way to enable the constraint that the pairs described above are distinct?
Something like this?
from z3 import *
def CreateMatrix(name, rows, cols):
for row in range(rows):
for col in range(cols):
v = Int(name + str(row+1) + str(col+1))
return a
def ShowMatrix(model, name, mat, rows, cols):
print("Matrix " + name)
for row in range(rows):
s = ""
for col in range(cols):
s = s + str(model.eval(mat[row][col])).ljust(4)
s = Solver()
rows = 3
cols = 3
M1 = CreateMatrix('M1', rows, cols)
M2 = CreateMatrix('M2', rows, cols)
for row1 in range(rows):
for col1 in range(cols):
for row2 in range(rows):
for col2 in range(cols):
s.add(M1[row1][col1] != M2[row2][col2])
ShowMatrix(s.model(), "M1", M1, rows, cols)
ShowMatrix(s.model(), "M2", M2, rows, cols)
The constraints for pairwise inequality are added in a fourfold nested loop. For 3x3 matrices, this results in 81 constraints.