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Compute class weight function issue in 'sklearn' library when used in 'Keras' classification (Python 3.8, only in VS code)

The classifier script I wrote is working fine and recently added weight balancing to the fitting. Since I added the weight estimate function using 'sklearn' library I get the following error :

compute_class_weight() takes 1 positional argument but 3 were given

This error does not make sense per documentation. The script should have three inputs but not sure why it says expecting only one variable. Full error and code information is shown below. Apparently, this is failing only in VS code. I tested in the Jupyter notebook and working fine. So it seems an issue with VS code compiler. Any one notice? ( I am using Python 3.8 with other latest other libraries)

from sklearn.utils import compute_class_weight

train_classes = train_generator.classes

class_weights = compute_class_weight(
class_weights = dict(zip(np.unique(train_classes), class_weights)),

In Jupyter Notebook,

enter image description here

enter image description here


  • After spending a lot of time, this is how I fixed it. I still don't know why but when the code is modified as follows, it works fine. I got the idea after seeing this solution for a similar but slightly different issue.

    class_weights = compute_class_weight(
                                            class_weight = "balanced",
                                            classes = np.unique(train_classes),
                                            y = train_classes                                                    
    class_weights = dict(zip(np.unique(train_classes), class_weights))