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How to remove MAT_DATE_RANGE_SELECTION_STRATEGY dynamically in angular

I am trying to implement a datepicker in angular with custom MAT_DATE_RANGE_SELECTION_STRATEGY. Which allows user to select a 14 day range.

Daterange picker

Using below code (taken right out of angular documentation) to implement custom strategy

export class FourteenDayRangeSelectionStrategy<D> implements MatDateRangeSelectionStrategy<D> {
  constructor(private _dateAdapter: DateAdapter<D>) {}

  selectionFinished(date: D | null): DateRange<D> {
    return this._createFourteeDayRange(date);

  createPreview(activeDate: D | null): DateRange<D> {
    return this._createFourteeDayRange(activeDate);

  private _createFourteeDayRange(date: D | null): DateRange<D> {
    if (date) {
      const start = this._dateAdapter.addCalendarDays(date, 0);
      const end = this._dateAdapter.addCalendarDays(date, 13);
      return new DateRange<D>(start, end);

    return new DateRange<D>(null, null);

and injecting it in the component as below.

  selector: 'app-awesomecomponent',
  templateUrl: './awesomecomponent.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./awesomecomponent.component.css'],
  providers: [{
    useClass: FourteenDayRangeSelectionStrategy

However when the user selects the Allow Custom Date Range check box (shown in above image), I would want the custom strategy to be disabled and allow user to choose any date range.

How can I achieve this functionality? I assume, we need to dynamically remove below from component to allow any date selection. However I do not know how to do this.

providers: [{
    useClass: FourteenDayRangeSelectionStrategy

Please help.


  • You has the source of MatDateRangeSelectionStrategy in github So your can use a variable to make active or not the strategy.

    export class FourteenDaySelectionStrategy<D>
      implements MatDateRangeSelectionStrategy<D>
      constructor(private _dateAdapter: DateAdapter<D>) {}
      off: boolean = false; //--use a variable "off"
      selectionFinished(date: D | null, currentRange: DateRange<D>): DateRange<D> {
        if (! return this._createFourteenDayRange(date);
        //see that al the code below is the code of the github
        let { start, end } = currentRange;
        if (start == null) {
          start = date;
        } else if (
          end == null &&
          date &&
          this._dateAdapter.compareDate(date, start) >= 0
        ) {
          end = date;
        } else {
          start = date;
          end = null;
        return new DateRange<D>(start, end);
        activeDate: D | null,
        currentRange: DateRange<D>
      ): DateRange<D> {
        if (! return this._createFourteenDayRange(activeDate);
        //see that al the code below is the code of the github
        let start: D | null = null;
        let end: D | null = null;
        if (currentRange.start && !currentRange.end && activeDate) {
          start = currentRange.start;
          end = activeDate;
        return new DateRange<D>(start, end);
      private _createFourteenDayRange(date: D | null): DateRange<D> {
        if (date) {
          const start = date;
          const end = this._dateAdapter.addCalendarDays(date, 14);
          return new DateRange<D>(start, end);
        return new DateRange<D>(null, null);

    Now, you need inject the MatDateRangeSelection and use a getter to change the value of the variable off

        private rg: FourteenDaySelectionStrategy<any>
      ) {}
      get customRange() {
      set customRange(value) { = value;

    A checkbox with [(ngModel)] complete the code

    See the stackblitz