I just have 3 doubts regarding sequence diagrams.
only performs some action.Object2
(that is a message to Object3
). Still it's trivial enough to omit the return since Object1
can only commence after the execution of Object2
for the message has ended.A reply-message-label is used for reply Messages. It has the following form:
<reply-message-label> ::= [<assignment-target> ‘=’] <message-name> [‘(’ [<output-argument-list>] ‘)’] [‘:’ <value-specification>]
Some more background to 1. My statement is more out of experience than out of specs. I started reading UML 2.5 again (chapter 17.4.3) to find the details - but could not find a direct statement. Here are the passages I found (in that order below the named chapter):
- If the messageSort is reply, then the Message represents the return from a synchronous call to the Operation. The arguments of the Message correspond to the out, inout and return ownedParameters of the Operation, in the order of the ownedParameters.
A message is shown as a line from the sender MessageEnd to the receiver MessageEnd. The line must be such that every line fragment is either horizontal or downwards when traversed from send event to receive event. The send and receive events may both be on the same lifeline. The form of the line or arrowhead reflects properties of the message:
- A reply Message (messageSort equals reply) has a dashed line with either an open or filled arrow head.
The message-name appearing in a request-message-label is the name property of the Message. If the Message has a signature, this will be the name of the Operation or Signal referenced by the signature. Otherwise the name is unconstrained.
So far the specs. There are more occurences for reply but only to describe what it must look like. Moreover the return arrow commonly used with the dashed line and open arrow is not listed in the table under 17.1 Graphic Nodes Included in Sequence Diagrams no under B.6 UML Notations and UML DI Representations. But it is used in example diagrams like 17.14 CombinedFragment.
What made me especially frown is the statement A reply Message (messageSort equals reply) has a dashed line with either an open or filled arrow head. That looks like you can arbitrarily choose the form (filled or not) with no semantic difference.
Well, the UML specs is made by humans and not free of errors (I already sent some bug reports). However, I'm human as well. Maybe someone else has spotted some details I could not find.
As commented by AxelScheithauer the open/closed arrow might be as compatibility with the a-/synch notation. Though, a return from an asynch message seems just pointless. Well, we leave it to speculation unless one of the few OMG authors appears here to tell us the truth xD