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PHP subfolder for each user "type"

I have 3 subfolders in an upload folder. My code looks like this:

if(isset($_SESSION["u_type"]) && $_SESSION["u_type"] == 3) {
    $files = scandir($path."/3/") //$path is set somewhere above

Its working fine, but you can actually add a simple html tag, like <img src="uploads/2/somathing.png/> and you can get any file from subdir 2 even if your "user type" is set to 3.

Is there a way to prevent it?

I alredy tried:

I'm using .htacces with Options- Indexes in it, but it only brevents direct listing of the files.


  • Yes, there is a way of doing this, it requires Apache webserver (for .htaccess files):

    Deny from all in uploads folder

    Add this to your uploads folder in .htaccess:

    order deny,allow
    deny from all

    Create a proxy php script image.php

    Create a script named image.php and check your session in there: (You might need to update this script to your requirements, this is a simple example which only supports jpeg).

    //check session for permission here!
    $userTypeId = 1; //change this to requirements
    header('Content-type: image/jpeg');
    echo file_get_contents("uploads/" . $userTypeId . "/" . $_GET['image']);

    Now access images by accessing the proxy script

    <img src="image.php?image=yourimage.jpg" />

    Update; you can chose to rewrite the image.php?image=x.jpg

    You can chose to rewrite this path with .htaccess so it seems as if there is no proxy .php script at work.

    RewriteRule ^/a_chosen_path_name/([^\.]+)\.(png|jpg|gif)$    /image.php?image=$1.$2 [NC,L]

    After which you can use:

    <img src="a_chosen_path_name/yourimage.jpg" />