I'm making a free VPVR which is supposedly better than those that are currently available for free.
I've noticed that if I increase the number of histograms, then the graph doesn't show some of those histograms.
This first image is with 27 histograms.
This second image is with 34 histograms.
I'm sure values are there because I can see the bars being offsetted (look the second picture):
I already tried with lines and it does the same. It's as if there's a limit, if I remove one of the two box.new call I hit this limit to > 54 histograms.
Follows the script that I'm currently working on:
// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/
// © Fr3d0C0rl30n3
study("Fr3d0's Volume Profile Visible Range", "VPVR", overlay=true)
DEFAULT_COLOR = color.new(color.gray, 0)
BUY_COLOR = color.new(color.green, 0)
SELL_COLOR = color.new(color.red, 0)
SPECIAL_COLOR = color.new(color.yellow, 0)
TIME_UNIT = time - time[1]
numOfBars = input(100, 'Number of bars', minval=20, maxval=500)
rangeHigh = highest(high, numOfBars)
rangeLow = lowest(low, numOfBars)
rangeHeight = rangeHigh - rangeLow
numOfHistograms = input(50, 'Number of histograms', minval=20, maxval=50)
widestHistogramWidth = input(50, 'Width of the PoC', minval=20, maxval=100)
histogramHeight = rangeHeight / numOfHistograms
histogramLowList = array.new_float(numOfHistograms, na)
histogramHighList = array.new_float(numOfHistograms, na)
histogramPriceList = array.new_float(numOfHistograms, 0.0)
histogramBuyVolumeList = array.new_float(numOfHistograms, 0.0)
histogramSellVolumeList = array.new_float(numOfHistograms, 0.0)
histogramVolumePercentageList = array.new_float(numOfHistograms, 0.0)
histogramIsPOCList = array.new_bool(numOfHistograms, false)
if barstate.islast
// Define lows and highs of the histograms
for i = 0 to numOfHistograms - 1
histogramLow = rangeLow + histogramHeight * i
histogramHigh = rangeLow + histogramHeight * (i + 1)
array.set(histogramLowList, i, histogramLow)
array.set(histogramHighList, i, histogramHigh)
array.set(histogramPriceList, i, (histogramLow + histogramHigh) / 2)
// Assign bar's volumes to histograms
for i = 0 to numOfBars - 1
currentBarHeight = high[i] - low[i]
currentBuyVolume = iff((high[i] == low[i]), 0, volume[i] * (close[i] - low[i]) / currentBarHeight)
currentSellVolume = iff((high[i] == low[i]), 0, volume[i] * (high[i] - close[i]) / currentBarHeight)
// Define the percentages of the current volume to give to histograms
for j = 0 to numOfHistograms - 1
histogramLow = array.get(histogramLowList, j)
histogramHigh = array.get(histogramHighList, j)
target = max(histogramHigh, high[i]) - min(histogramLow, low[i])
- (max(histogramHigh, high[i]) - min(histogramHigh, high[i]))
- (max(histogramLow, low[i]) - min(histogramLow, low[i]))
histogramVolumePercentage = target / currentBarHeight
histogramBuyVolume = array.get(histogramBuyVolumeList, j)
histogramSellVolume = array.get(histogramSellVolumeList, j)
// If there is at least one histogram affected
// then divide the current volume by the number of histograms affected
if histogramVolumePercentage > 0
array.set(histogramBuyVolumeList, j, histogramBuyVolume + currentBuyVolume * histogramVolumePercentage)
array.set(histogramSellVolumeList, j, histogramSellVolume + currentSellVolume * histogramVolumePercentage)
// Find the histogram with the highest volume
highestHistogramVolume = 0.0
for i = 0 to numOfHistograms - 1
histogramBuyVolume = array.get(histogramBuyVolumeList, i)
histogramSellVolume = array.get(histogramSellVolumeList, i)
histogramVolume = histogramBuyVolume + histogramSellVolume
highestHistogramVolume := max(highestHistogramVolume, histogramVolume)
// Mark the Point of Control
for i = 0 to numOfHistograms - 1
histogramVolume = array.get(histogramBuyVolumeList, i) + array.get(histogramSellVolumeList, i)
if histogramVolume == highestHistogramVolume
array.set(histogramIsPOCList, i, true)
// Draw top and bottom of the range considered
line.new(time[numOfBars], rangeHigh, time_close, rangeHigh, xloc=xloc.bar_time, color=DEFAULT_COLOR, width = 2)
line.new(time[numOfBars], rangeLow, time_close, rangeLow, xloc=xloc.bar_time, color=DEFAULT_COLOR, width = 2)
// Draw histograms and highlight the Point of Control
for i = 0 to numOfHistograms - 1
histogramLow = array.get(histogramLowList, i)
histogramHigh = array.get(histogramHighList, i)
histogramBuyVolume = array.get(histogramBuyVolumeList, i)
histogramSellVolume = array.get(histogramSellVolumeList, i)
histogramVolume = histogramBuyVolume + histogramSellVolume
histogramWidth = widestHistogramWidth * histogramVolume / highestHistogramVolume
histogramBuyWidth = floor(histogramWidth * histogramBuyVolume / histogramVolume)
histogramSellWidth = floor(histogramWidth * histogramSellVolume / histogramVolume)
isPOC = array.get(histogramIsPOCList, i)
// Draw buy and send histograms
box.new(left=bar_index + 1, top=histogramHigh, right=bar_index + 1 + histogramBuyWidth, bottom=histogramLow, bgcolor=BUY_COLOR, border_color=isPOC ? SPECIAL_COLOR : color.new(color.black, 80))
box.new(left=bar_index + 1 + histogramBuyWidth, top=histogramHigh, right=bar_index + 1 + histogramBuyWidth + histogramSellWidth, bottom=histogramLow, bgcolor=SELL_COLOR, border_color=isPOC ? SPECIAL_COLOR : color.new(color.black, 80))
Thanks, Fredo
For lines, labels and boxes, if you require more than the available default limit of 50, you need to set the study/strategy() parameters for them eg
study("My study", max_lines_count = 500, max_boxes_count = 500, max_labels_count = 500)
The max limits are 500.