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Is there a native support for proxy connection via socks5 for boost::asio?

I'm using boost::asio to handle network communication between my program and remote server. To establish a connection with a server I do the following sequence of operations:

namespace ba = boost::asio;
boost::shared_ptr<ba::ssl::context> ssl_ctx;
boost::shared_ptr<boost::asio::io_context> ios;  // initialized
boost::shared_ptr<ba::ssl::stream<tcp::socket>> ssl_socket;

ssl_ctx.reset(new ba::ssl::context(boost::asio::ssl::context_base::method::sslv23));
ssl_ctx->add_certificate_authority(ba::buffer(, certs.size()));

ssl_socket.reset(new ba::ssl::stream<tcp::socket>(*ios, *ssl_ctx));

auto& socket = ssl_socket->next_layer();

ba::ip::tcp::resolver::iterator ep_iter; // target server
std::future<tcp::resolver::iterator> conn_result = boost::asio::async_connect(socket, ep_iter, boost::asio::use_future);
auto status = conn_result.wait_for(std::chrono::seconds(wait_connection_timeout_sec));
if (status == std::future_status::timeout) {
    throw std::runtime_error("wait on server connection is timed out");

conn_result.get(); // if the operation failed, then conn_result.get() will throw an error
if (!socket.is_open()) {
    throw std::runtime_error("can't open socket");



This code works perfect. After connection I use standard methods to write/read with ssl_socket.

Now I need to establish connection to my server via proxy server using socks5 protocol. Didn't find a solution in the boost manual. Is there a native socks5 proxy support? What should I add to my code sequence so as to get ssl_socket connected to my server via proxy server?


  • I went ahead with the finger exercise and implemented socks5.hpp like I did before for socks4: socks4 with asynchronous boost::asio

    Without further ado:

    tcp::resolver::query target("", "443");
    std::future<void> conn_result = socks5::async_proxy_connect(
        socket, target, tcp::endpoint{{}, 1080}, ba::use_future);

    Or, of course, just synchronously:

    socks5::proxy_connect(socket, target, tcp::endpoint{{}, 1080});

    Live Demo

    • File socks5.hpp

       #include <boost/asio.hpp>
       #include <boost/endian/arithmetic.hpp>
       namespace socks5 { // threw in the kitchen sink for error codes
       #ifdef STANDALONE_ASIO
           using std::error_category;
           using std::error_code;
           using std::error_condition;
           using std::system_error;
           namespace asio = boost::asio;
           using boost::system::error_category;
           using boost::system::error_code;
           using boost::system::error_condition;
           using boost::system::system_error;
           enum class result_code {
               ok                         = 0,
               invalid_version            = 1,
               disallowed                 = 2,
               auth_method_rejected       = 3,
               network_unreachable        = 4,
               host_unreachable           = 5,
               connection_refused         = 6,
               ttl_expired                = 7,
               command_not_supported      = 8,
               address_type_not_supported = 9,
               failed = 99,
           auto const& get_result_category() {
             struct impl : error_category {
               const char* name() const noexcept override { return "result_code"; }
               std::string message(int ev) const override {
                 switch (static_cast<result_code>(ev)) {
                 case result_code::ok:                         return "Success";
                 case result_code::invalid_version:            return "SOCKS5 invalid reply version";
                 case result_code::disallowed:                 return "SOCKS5 disallowed";
                 case result_code::auth_method_rejected:       return "SOCKS5 no accepted authentication method";
                 case result_code::network_unreachable:        return "SOCKS5 network unreachable";
                 case result_code::host_unreachable:           return "SOCKS5 host unreachable";
                 case result_code::connection_refused:         return "SOCKS5 connection refused";
                 case result_code::ttl_expired:                return "SOCKS5 TTL expired";
                 case result_code::command_not_supported:      return "SOCKS5 command not supported";
                 case result_code::address_type_not_supported: return "SOCKS5 address type not supported";
                 case result_code::failed:                     return "SOCKS5 general unexpected failure";
                 default:                                      return "unknown error";
               default_error_condition(int ev) const noexcept override {
                   return error_condition{ev, *this};
               bool equivalent(int ev, error_condition const& condition)
                   const noexcept override {
                   return condition.value() == ev && &condition.category() == this;
               bool equivalent(error_code const& error,
                               int ev) const noexcept override {
                   return error.value() == ev && &error.category() == this;
             } const static instance;
             return instance;
           error_code make_error_code(result_code se) {
               return error_code{
       } // namespace socks5
       template <>
       struct boost::system::is_error_code_enum<socks5::result_code>
           : std::true_type {};
       namespace socks5 {
           using namespace std::placeholders;
           template <typename Proto> struct core_t {
               using Endpoint = typename Proto::endpoint;
               using Query    = typename boost::asio::ip::basic_resolver<Proto>::query;
               Endpoint _proxy;
               core_t(Query const& target, Endpoint proxy)
                   : _proxy(proxy)
                   , _request(target)
               core_t(Endpoint const& target, Endpoint proxy)
                   : _proxy(proxy)
                   , _request(target)
       #pragma pack(push)
       #pragma pack(1)
               enum class addr_type : uint8_t { IPv4 = 0x01, Domain = 0x03, IPv6 = 0x04 };
               enum class auth_method : uint8_t {
                   none   = 0x00, // No authentication
                   gssapi = 0x01, // GSSAPI (RFC 1961
                   basic  = 0x02, // Username/password (RFC 1929)
                   // 0x03–0x7F methods assigned by IANA[11]
                   challenge_handshake = 0x03, // Challenge-Handshake Authentication Protocol
                   challenge_response = 0x05,  // Challenge-Response Authentication Method
                   ssl  = 0x06, // Secure Sockets Layer
                   nds  = 0x07, // NDS Authentication
                   maf  = 0x08, // Multi-Authentication Framework
                   json = 0x09, // JSON Parameter Block
               enum class version : uint8_t {
                   none   = 0x00,
                   socks4 = 0x04,
                   socks5 = 0x05,
               enum class proxy_command : uint8_t {
                   connect       = 0x01,
                   bind          = 0x02,
                   udp_associate = 0x03,
               enum class proxy_reply : uint8_t {
                   succeeded                  = 0x00,
                   general_failure            = 0x01,
                   disallowed                 = 0x02,
                   network_unreachable        = 0x03,
                   host_unreachable           = 0x04,
                   connection_refused         = 0x05,
                   ttl_expired                = 0x06,
                   command_not_supported      = 0x07,
                   address_type_not_supported = 0x08,
               using ipv4_octets = boost::asio::ip::address_v4::bytes_type;
               using ipv6_octets = boost::asio::ip::address_v6::bytes_type;
               using net_short   = boost::endian::big_uint16_t;
               struct {
                   version     ver       = version::socks5;
                   uint8_t     nmethods  = 0x01;
                   auth_method method[1] = {auth_method::none};
               } _greeting;
               struct {
                   version reply_version;
                   uint8_t cauth;
               } _greeting_response;
               struct wire_address {
                   addr_type type{};
                   union {
                       ipv4_octets              ipv4;
                       ipv6_octets              ipv6;
                       std::array<uint8_t, 256> domain{0}; // length prefixed
                   } payload;
                   size_t var_length() const {
                       return sizeof(type) + payload_length();
                   size_t payload_length() const
                       switch (type) {
                       case addr_type::IPv4: return sizeof(payload.ipv4);
                       case addr_type::IPv6: return sizeof(payload.ipv6);
                       case addr_type::Domain:
                           assert(payload.domain[0] < payload.domain.max_size());
                           return 1 + payload.domain[0];
                       return 0;
               struct request_t {
                   version       ver      = version::socks5;
                   proxy_command cmd      = proxy_command::connect;
                   uint8_t       reserved = 0;
                   wire_address  var_address;
                   net_short     port;
                   // constructors
                   request_t(Endpoint const& ep) : port(ep.port())
                       auto& addr = ep.address();
                       if (addr.is_v4()) {
                           var_address.type         = addr_type::IPv4;
                           var_address.payload.ipv4 = addr.to_v4().to_bytes();
                       } else {
                           var_address.type         = addr_type::IPv6;
                           var_address.payload.ipv6 = addr.to_v6().to_bytes();
                   request_t(Query const& q) : port(std::stoi(q.service_name())) {
                       std::string const domain = q.host_name();
                       var_address.type         = addr_type::Domain;
                       auto len = std::min(var_address.payload.domain.max_size() - 1,
                       assert(len == domain.length() || "domain truncated");
                       var_address.payload.domain[0] = len;
                       std::copy_n(, len,
                          + 1);
                   auto buffers() const {
                       return std::array {
                           boost::asio::buffer(this, offsetof(request_t, var_address)),
                           boost::asio::buffer(&var_address, var_address.var_length()),
                           boost::asio::buffer(&port, sizeof(port)),
               } _request;
               struct response_t {
                   version      reply_version;
                   proxy_reply  reply;
                   uint8_t      reserved = 0x0;
                   wire_address var_address {addr_type::IPv4};
                   net_short    port;
                   auto head_buffers() {
                       return std::array{
                           boost::asio::buffer(this, offsetof(response_t, var_address) + sizeof(addr_type)),
                   auto tail_buffers() { // depends on head_buffers being correctly received!
                       return std::array{
                           boost::asio::buffer(&var_address.payload, var_address.payload_length()),
                           boost::asio::buffer(&port, sizeof(port)),
               } _response;
       #pragma pack(pop)
               using const_buffer   = boost::asio::const_buffer;
               using mutable_buffer = boost::asio::mutable_buffer;
               auto greeting_buffers() const {
                   return boost::asio::buffer(&_greeting, sizeof(_greeting));
               auto greeting_response_buffers() {
                   return boost::asio::buffer(&_greeting_response, sizeof(_greeting_response));
               auto request_buffers() const { return _request.buffers(); }
               auto response_head_buffers() { return _response.head_buffers(); }
               auto response_tail_buffers() { return _response.tail_buffers(); }
               error_code get_greeting_result(error_code ec = {}) const {
                   if (ec)
                       return ec;
                   if (_greeting_response.reply_version != version::socks5)
                       return result_code::invalid_version;
                   if (_greeting_response.cauth != 0) {
                       return result_code::auth_method_rejected;
                   return result_code::ok;
               error_code get_result(error_code ec = {}) const {
                   if (ec)
                       return ec;
                   if (_response.reply_version != version::socks5)
                       return result_code::invalid_version;
                   switch (_response.reply) {
                   case proxy_reply::succeeded:                  return result_code::ok;
                   case proxy_reply::disallowed:                 return result_code::disallowed;
                   case proxy_reply::network_unreachable:        return result_code::network_unreachable;
                   case proxy_reply::host_unreachable:           return result_code::host_unreachable;
                   case proxy_reply::connection_refused:         return result_code::connection_refused;
                   case proxy_reply::ttl_expired:                return result_code::ttl_expired;
                   case proxy_reply::command_not_supported:      return result_code::command_not_supported;
                   case proxy_reply::address_type_not_supported: return result_code::address_type_not_supported;
                   case proxy_reply::general_failure: break;
                   return result_code::failed;
           template <typename Socket, typename Completion>
           struct async_proxy_connect_op {
               using Proto         = typename Socket::protocol_type;
               using Endpoint      = typename Proto::endpoint;
               using executor_type = typename Socket::executor_type;
               auto get_executor() { return _socket.get_executor(); }
               core_t<Proto> _core;
               Socket&       _socket;
               Completion    _handler;
               template <typename EndpointOrQuery>
               async_proxy_connect_op(Completion handler, Socket& s,
                                      EndpointOrQuery target, Endpoint proxy)
                   : _core(target, proxy)
                   , _socket(s)
                   , _handler(std::move(handler))
               using Self = std::unique_ptr<async_proxy_connect_op>;
               void init(Self&& self) { operator()(self, INIT{}); }
               // states
               struct INIT{};
               struct CONNECT{};
               struct GREETING_SENT{};
               struct ONGREETING_RESPONSE{};
               struct REQUEST_SENT{};
               struct ON_RESPONSE_HEAD{};
               struct ON_RESPONSE_TAIL{};
               struct Binder {
                   Self _self;
                   template <typename... Args>
                   decltype(auto) operator()(Args&&... args) {
                       return (*_self)(_self, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
               void operator()(Self& self, INIT) {
                      std::bind(Binder{std::move(self)}, CONNECT{}, _1));
               void operator()(Self& self, CONNECT, error_code ec) {
                   if (ec) return _handler(ec);
                       std::bind(Binder{std::move(self)}, GREETING_SENT{}, _1, _2));
               void operator()(Self& self, GREETING_SENT, error_code ec, size_t xfer) {
                   if (ec) return _handler(ec);
                   auto buf = _core.greeting_response_buffers();
                       _socket, buf, boost::asio::transfer_exactly(buffer_size(buf)),
                       std::bind(Binder{std::move(self)}, ONGREETING_RESPONSE{}, _1, _2));
               void operator()(Self& self, ONGREETING_RESPONSE, error_code ec, size_t xfer) {
                   ec = _core.get_greeting_result(ec);
                   if (ec) return _handler(ec);
                       _socket, _core.request_buffers(),
                       std::bind(Binder{std::move(self)}, REQUEST_SENT{}, _1, _2));
               void operator()(Self& self, REQUEST_SENT, error_code ec, size_t xfer) {
                   if (ec) return _handler(ec);
                   auto buf = _core.response_head_buffers();
                       _socket, buf, boost::asio::transfer_exactly(buffer_size(buf)),
                       std::bind(Binder{std::move(self)}, ON_RESPONSE_HEAD{}, _1, _2));
               void operator()(Self& self, ON_RESPONSE_HEAD, error_code ec, size_t xfer) {
                   if (ec) return _handler(ec);
                   auto buf = _core.response_tail_buffers();
                       _socket, buf, boost::asio::transfer_exactly(buffer_size(buf)),
                       std::bind(Binder{std::move(self)}, ON_RESPONSE_TAIL{}, _1, _2));
               void operator()(Self& self, ON_RESPONSE_TAIL, error_code ec, size_t xfer) {
           template <typename Socket, typename EndpointOrQuery,
                     typename Endpoint = typename Socket::protocol_type::endpoint>
           error_code proxy_connect(Socket& s, EndpointOrQuery target, Endpoint proxy,
                                    error_code& ec)
               core_t<typename Socket::protocol_type> core(target, proxy);
               s.connect(core._proxy, ec);
               if (!ec)
                   boost::asio::write(s, core.greeting_buffers(), ec);
               using boost::asio::transfer_exactly;
               if (!ec) {
                   auto buf = core.greeting_response_buffers();
                   boost::asio::read(s, buf, transfer_exactly(buffer_size(buf)), ec);
               ec = core.get_greeting_result(ec);
               if (!ec) {
                   boost::asio::write(s, core.request_buffers(), ec);
               if (!ec) {
                   auto buf = core.response_head_buffers();
                   boost::asio::read(s, buf, transfer_exactly(buffer_size(buf)), ec);
               if (!ec) {
                   auto buf = core.response_tail_buffers();
                   boost::asio::read(s, buf, transfer_exactly(buffer_size(buf)), ec);
               return ec = core.get_result(ec);
           template <typename Socket, typename EndpointOrQuery,
                     typename Endpoint = typename Socket::protocol_type::endpoint>
           void proxy_connect(Socket& s, EndpointOrQuery target, Endpoint proxy)
               error_code ec;
               if (proxy_connect(s, target, proxy, ec))
                   throw system_error(ec);
           template <typename Socket, typename Token, typename EndpointOrQuery,
                     typename Endpoint = typename Socket::protocol_type::endpoint>
           auto async_proxy_connect(Socket& s, EndpointOrQuery target, Endpoint proxy,
                                    Token&& token)
               using Result = asio::async_result<std::decay_t<Token>, void(error_code)>;
               using Completion = typename Result::completion_handler_type;
               Completion completion(std::forward<Token>(token));
               Result     result(completion);
               using Op = async_proxy_connect_op<Socket, Completion>;
               // make an owning self ptr, to serve a unique async chain
               auto self = std::make_unique<Op>(completion, s, target, proxy);
               return result.get();
       } // namespace socks5
    • File test.cpp

       #include "socks5.hpp"
       #include <boost/asio/ssl.hpp>
       #include <boost/beast.hpp>
       #include <boost/beast/http.hpp>
       #include <boost/make_shared.hpp>
       #include <iostream>
       namespace ba   = boost::asio;
       namespace http = boost::beast::http;
       namespace ssl  = boost::asio::ssl;
       using namespace std::chrono_literals;
       using ba::ip::tcp;
       static constexpr auto connection_timeout = 1s;
       int main()
           auto ios = boost::make_shared<ba::io_context>();
           auto ssl_ctx =
           //ssl_ctx->add_certificate_authority(ba::buffer(, certs.size()));
           ssl_ctx->set_default_verify_paths(); // FOR DEMO
           auto ssl_socket =
               boost::make_shared<ssl::stream<tcp::socket>>(*ios, *ssl_ctx);
           auto& socket = ssl_socket->next_layer();
           tcp::resolver::query target("", "443");
       #if 1
           std::future<void> conn_result = socks5::async_proxy_connect(
               socket, target, tcp::endpoint{{}, 1080}, ba::use_future);
           std::thread th([ios] { ios->run(); });
           if (conn_result.wait_for(connection_timeout) ==
                   std::future_status::timeout) {
               // no need to throw, `conn_result.get()` will give operation_aborted
           conn_result.get(); // may throw error
       #else // synchronously as well:
           socks5::proxy_connect(socket, target, tcp::endpoint{{}, 1080});
               http::request<http::empty_body> req(http::verb::get, "/", 11);
               req.set(http::field::host, "");
               http::write(*ssl_socket, req);
               http::response<http::string_body> res;
               boost::beast::flat_buffer buf;
               http::read(*ssl_socket, buf, res);
               std::cout << res;

    Which on my system tests correctly with an ssh SOCKS server:

    enter image description here