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How can I get the index of second comma?

        Console.Write("Please enter (pyramid slot number,block letter,whether or not the block should be lit): ");
        string csvString = Console.ReadLine();

        //location of comma
        int firstComma = csvString.IndexOf(',');
        int secondComma = csvString.IndexOf(',', firstComma + 1);

        //extract slot number of pyramid
        int slotNumber = int.Parse(csvString.Substring(0, firstComma));
        string blockLetter = csvString.Substring(firstComma + 1, secondComma);
        Boolean lit = Boolean.Parse(csvString.Substring(secondComma + 1));

        Console.WriteLine("Pyramid Slot Number: " + slotNumber);
        Console.WriteLine("Block Letter: " + blockLetter);
        Console.WriteLine("Lit: " + lit);

I tried to input like "5,M,true". However output for Block Letter is "M,t". If I try to input 15 instead of 5, then it gives "M,tr". In the end, I want to get only one letter. I'll use char after I figure this problem out.

Edit: char blockLetter = char.Parse(csvString.Substring(firstComma + 1, 1)); I used this thank you!


  • The first parameter of String.Substring is the start index, the second parameter is not the end index but the length. So you need to calculate it:

    int firstComma = csvString.IndexOf(',');
    int startIndex = firstComma + 1;
    int secondComma = csvString.IndexOf(',', startIndex);
    int length = secondComma - startIndex;
    string blockLetter = csvString.Substring(startIndex, length);

    An easier way is to use String.Split to get a string[] with all tokens delimited by comma:

    string[] allSlots = csvString.Split(',');
    // first token is in allSlots[0] and second in allSlots[1]