In WinUI3 I need to set focus to the first item of ListView in order user could use the keyboard immediately. I do the following:
if (listView.Items.Count > 0)
listView.SelectedIndex = 0;
But only the listview gets the focus, not the item and I need to click first on the item before I can go up and down with the keyboard. Is there any easy way to focus on the first item of the listview?
For some reason, ListViewItem
can't be selected from the first time so here is some workaround for this problem:
ListViewItem lvi = listView.ContainerFromIndex(0) as ListViewItem;
if (lvi != null)
lvi.IsSelected = true;
var dispatcherQueue = DispatcherQueue.GetForCurrentThread();
() => {
lvi = listView.ContainerFromIndex(0) as ListViewItem;
if (lvi != null) {
lvi.IsSelected = true;