Quote from the Luckysheet source code:
Is this an image protocol? I've never seen this prefix before, could anyone explain what it is?
No, it's just a prefix used later to differentiate between two types of values:
const luckysheetloadingImage = function (config) {
if(typeof config.image==="function"){
return config.image()
const regE = new RegExp("^(image|path)://");
const regResult = regE.exec(config.image);
let imageHtml = '';
if (regResult !== null) {
const prefix = regResult[0];
const type = regResult[1];
const imageStr = regResult.input.substring(prefix.length);
switch (type) {
case "image":
imageHtml = `<div class="image-type" style="background-image: url(${imageStr});"></div>`;
I would probably have used two different attributes instead of encoding information in the string.