i have three different route-link and i want when you click on each of them ,
a value query added to other queries
<router-link append to="{query:{ color : 'red' }" >color</router-link> => ex.com/product?color=red
<router-link append to="{query:{ size: 2 }" >size</router-link> => ex.com/product?color=red&&size=2
<router-link append to="{query:{ men: true }" >men</router-link> => ex.com/product?color=red&&size=2&&men=true
the problem is that when you click each of them new query replace other
but i want it to append with other queries
so , how can i do it ?
You have to extend the existing query object yourself:
<router-link append :to="{ query: { ...$route.query, color: 'red' } }">