Search code examples

SQL query to pull the values for a record from table?

So im basically trying to use a customer ID to pull customer information like name, address, phone etc. from a table to be used to pre-fill certain textboxes in the form. I have it linked to a button press that searches another table called CustomerID to see if the phone number exists in the "phone" column and if so returns the cusID associated with it, i do this using Dlookup which seems to work. Then I want to use the cusID to find the corresponding customer information from the table CustomerInfo using the SQL query below but it just throws up a "Run-time elso rror '13' Type mismatch" on the SQL query line. I've tried a bunch of different formatting for it and cannot seem to get it to work, any one know what i'm doing wrong? Also is it even possible to parse the SQL query data into individual textboxes? Also code is below

Private Sub querycust_Click()
phonesearch = DLookup("cusID", "CustomerID", "phone='" & 9999999999# & "'")
If IsNull(phonesearch) Then
    MsgBox ("No Customer ID Exists For This Phone Number")
ElseIf Not IsNull(phonesearch) Then
    DoCmd.RunSQL "SELECT " * " FROM CustomerInfo WHERE [CustomerInfo]![CusID]=phonesearch"

End If

End Sub


  • Try something like this:

    Private Sub querycust_Click()
        Dim Records As DAO.Recordset
        Dim Sql As String
        Sql = "Select * From CustomerInfo Where phone = '9999999999'"
        Set Records = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(Sql)
        If Records.RecordCount = 0 Then
            MsgBox "No Customer ID Exists For This Phone Number"
            Me!txtCustomerID = Records!cusID.Value
            ' More controls and values.
        End If
    End Sub