For an algorithms class I'm in, we are implementing some algorithms and testing their speed. I chose Python as my language to do this. We are given 2 unsorted lists and a number x, and we want to find if there are any elements a in S1 and b in S2 such that a + b = x. The way I did it is this:
def find_in(s, s2):
start, end = 0, len(s2)-1
while end >= start:
mid = start + (end - start) // 2
if s2[mid] == s:
return True
if s2[mid] > s:
start = mid +1
if s2[mid] < s:
end = mid - 1
return False
def binary_search(x, s1 : list, s2 : list) -> bool:
return any( find_in(x - s, sorted(s2)) for s in s1 )
So the function loops through an unsorted list and then looks for the element x - s in the sorted list using binary search. For whatever reason, for a list length of 10000 generated using Python random module, it is taking 10 seconds on average, which is longer than the brute force method I tried. Is there some subtly in what I wrote that I am missing? I feel as though this should be O(n log n), faster than O(n2)
def AplusB(arr1 , arr2, x):
#stores the frequency of arr1 (not required i guess)
d1 = {}
for i in arr1:
if(i in d1):
d1[i] += 1
d1[i] = 1
#stores the frequency of arr2
d2 = {}
for i in arr2:
if(i in d2):
d2[i] += 1
d2[i] = 1
isAnsExists = False
for i in arr1:
val = x - i
if(val in d2):
isAnsExists = True
for i in arr2:
val = x - i
if(val in d1):
isAnsExists = True
return isAnsExists
Random Tests:
x = random.randint(0, 10000)
arr1 = [random.randint(0, 100000) for i in range(100000)]
arr2 = [random.randint(0, 100000) for i in range(100000)]
print( AplusB( arr1,arr2 , x))