I have created a gt table and I want to have a row at the bottom of the table with the sum of all the columns. I want to position this so that the row label "total" sits within an existing column (the column catchment in my example) rather than out to the side. How do I do this?
library(gt) # package for making tables
Lake_name <- c("Okareka", "Okaro", "Okataina", "Rerewhakaaitu", "Rotokakahi", "Rotomahana", "Tarawera", "Tikitapu")
Lake_labels <- c("\u14ckareka", "\u14ckaro", "\u14ckataina", "Rerewhakaaitu", "Rotokakahi", "Rotomahana", "Tarawera", "Tikitapu")
#define catchment areas
LIDAR_areas <- c(19778484, 3679975, 62923350, 52941258, 19195848, 83698343, 145261086, 5728184) # m^2
White_SW_areas <- c(19963914.610, 3675087.968, 66900327.220, 54581284.030, 19207814.960, 83724917.460, 144895034.400, 5689356.743)
White_GW_areas <- c(12485786, 3675525, 70924376, 15180499, 13491567, 101632751, 159285183, 5604187)
Catchment_Areas <- as_tibble(cbind(Lake_labels, LIDAR_areas, White_SW_areas, White_GW_areas))
Catchment_Areas$LIDAR_areas <- as.numeric(Catchment_Areas$LIDAR_areas)
Catchment_Areas$White_SW_areas <- as.numeric(Catchment_Areas$White_SW_areas)
Catchment_Areas$White_GW_areas <- as.numeric(Catchment_Areas$White_GW_areas)
f <- function(x){(x/1000000)}
Catchment_Areas <- Catchment_Areas %>% mutate(across(c(LIDAR_areas, White_GW_areas, White_SW_areas), f))
Catchment_Areas_Table <-
Catchment_Areas %>%
gt() %>%
tab_header(title = md("**Catchment Areas (m<sup>2</sup> x 10<sup>6</sup>)**")) %>%
fmt_number(columns = c(LIDAR_areas, White_GW_areas, White_SW_areas), decimals = 2) %>%
cols_align(columns = c(LIDAR_areas, White_GW_areas, White_SW_areas), align = "right") %>%
cols_label(Lake_labels = "Catchment", LIDAR_areas = "Surface Water (LIDAR)", White_SW_areas = "Surface Water (White 2020)", White_GW_areas = "Groundwater (White 2020)") %>%
tab_style( # add black underline
style = list(
sides = c("bottom"),
color = "black",
weight = px(2)
#cell_fill(color = "grey")
locations = list(
columns = gt::everything()
) %>%
tab_style( # add black underline
style = list(
sides = c("top"),
color = "black",
weight = px(2)
#cell_fill(color = "grey")
locations = list(
Catchment_Areas_Table %>% summary_rows(columns = c(LIDAR_areas, White_GW_areas, White_SW_areas), fns = list(Total = "sum"))
Option 1: Move your "Catchment"/Lake_labels column into `gt(rowname_col = "Lake_labels"), this moves them into the "stub" and aligns with the summary calculations.
Option 2: Pre-calculate the summary rows ahead of time. This means you can treat the summary row as another other cell value.
Reprex below (note that I converted your dataframe to a tribble
so it's more compact to reprex, datapasta::tribble_paste()
is amazing for this):
library(gt) # package for making tables
Catchment_Areas <- tibble::tribble(
~Lake_labels, ~LIDAR_areas, ~White_SW_areas, ~White_GW_areas,
"Ōkareka", 19.778484, 19.96391461, 12.485786,
"Ōkaro", 3.679975, 3.675087968, 3.675525,
"Ōkataina", 62.92335, 66.90032722, 70.924376,
"Rerewhakaaitu", 52.941258, 54.58128403, 15.180499,
"Rotokakahi", 19.195848, 19.20781496, 13.491567,
"Rotomahana", 83.698343, 83.72491746, 101.632751,
"Tarawera", 145.261086, 144.8950344, 159.285183,
"Tikitapu", 5.728184, 5.689356743, 5.604187
### Option 1
Catchment_Areas_Table <-
Catchment_Areas %>%
gt(rowname_col = "Lake_labels") %>%
tab_header(title = md("**Catchment Areas (m<sup>2</sup> x 10<sup>6</sup>)**")) %>%
fmt_number(columns = c(LIDAR_areas, White_GW_areas, White_SW_areas), decimals = 2) %>%
cols_align(columns = c(LIDAR_areas, White_GW_areas, White_SW_areas), align = "right") %>%
cols_label(Lake_labels = "Catchment", LIDAR_areas = "Surface Water (LIDAR)",
White_SW_areas = "Surface Water (White 2020)", White_GW_areas = "Groundwater (White 2020)") %>%
tab_style( # add black underline
style = list(
sides = c("bottom"),
color = "black",
weight = px(2)
) # ,
# cell_fill(color = "grey")
locations = list(
columns = gt::everything()
) %>%
tab_style( # add black underline
style = list(
sides = c("top"),
color = "black",
weight = px(2)
locations = list(
cells_stub(rows = 1)
) %>%
columns = c(LIDAR_areas, White_GW_areas, White_SW_areas),
fns = list(Total = "sum")
#> Warning in if ((loc$groups %>% rlang::eval_tidy()) == "title") {: the condition
#> has length > 1 and only the first element will be used
gtsave(Catchment_Areas_Table, "rowname_tab.png")
### Option 2
# Create summary ahead of time, add to bottom of the existing df.
Catchment_Areas_Sum <- Catchment_Areas %>%
Catchment_Areas %>%
summarise(across(LIDAR_areas:last_col(), sum)) %>%
mutate(Lake_labels = "Total")
Catchment_Areas_Table_Sum <-
Catchment_Areas_Sum %>%
gt() %>%
tab_header(title = md("**Catchment Areas (m<sup>2</sup> x 10<sup>6</sup>)**")) %>%
fmt_number(columns = c(LIDAR_areas, White_GW_areas, White_SW_areas), decimals = 2) %>%
cols_align(columns = c(LIDAR_areas, White_GW_areas, White_SW_areas), align = "right") %>%
cols_label(Lake_labels = "Catchment", LIDAR_areas = "Surface Water (LIDAR)",
White_SW_areas = "Surface Water (White 2020)", White_GW_areas = "Groundwater (White 2020)") %>%
tab_style( # add black underline
style = list(
sides = c("bottom"),
color = "black",
weight = px(2)
locations = list(
columns = gt::everything()
) %>%
tab_style( # add black underline
style = list(
sides = c("top"),
color = "black",
weight = px(2)
locations = list(
) %>%
style = cell_borders(
sides = c("top"), color = "black", weight = px(2)
locations = list(
cells_body(rows = Lake_labels == "Total")
#> Warning in if ((loc$groups %>% rlang::eval_tidy()) == "title") {: the condition
#> has length > 1 and only the first element will be used
gtsave(Catchment_Areas_Table_Sum, "pre_sum_tab.png")
Created on 2021-10-29 by the reprex package (v2.0.1)