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Recursion with postgresql query

I am trying to fetch end child data of grandparent data.

I have below 2 tables, one is master table having parent and child data, other is the relation table for that master table data.

enter image description here

based on these data, I want parent data with their end child data.

enter image description here

for that I have tried below recursive query but not geting any related data.

At last I want to use those data in below way with java batch.

if I pass child_data 331 and 327 one by one then it will provide below results respectively.

enter image description here

@set ko_id = '331'

select parent_id,child_id,count(parent_id) from (
 WITH RECURSIVE ancestors (parent_id) AS (
  SELECT distinct t.parent_id ,t.parent_id as extra_id,t.child_id , msok.data_type -- and find all its ancestors
  FROM public.data_relation AS t 
    JOIN data_relation AS a ON t.child_id = a.parent_id or t.child_id = a.child_id 
    left join data_master msok on = t.parent_id
  where a.child_id = :ko_id
descendants (parent_id) AS (
  SELECT  parent_id ,extra_id as extra_id,child_id, data_type FROM ancestors  
  SELECT t.child_id,d.parent_id as extra_id,t.child_id, msok.data_type -- and find all their descendants
  FROM public.data_relation AS t 
    JOIN descendants AS d ON t.parent_id = d.parent_id
    left join data_master msok on = t.child_id 
  parent_id, extra_id, child_id, data_type
  descendants where data_type ='1') abc group by parent_id,child_id


  • This query should help. The first CTE ("with" part) provides all relations there are in the table. The second CTE filters only end child records out.

    And the final part - the main query - searches for parents having 331 as a child and shows you those.

    with recursive result_q as (
      select 1 debug_step,  parent_data, child_data 
        from data_rel
      union all
      select debug_step + 1, q.parent_data, r.child_data
        from data_rel r
        join result_q q
          on q.child_data = r.parent_data 
    parent_end_childs as (
      select q.parent_data, q.child_data 
        from result_q q
       where not exists (select 1 from data_rel r where r.parent_data = q.child_data)
       order by parent_data, child_data)
    select pec.*
      from parent_end_childs pec
      join parent_end_childs pec_1
        on pec.parent_data = pec_1.parent_data
     where pec_1.child_data = 331
