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Xamarin How to bind a class property (from another project) to the Picker.ItemDisplayBinding property

I am trying to populate and display a List"magasin" inside a picker.

The magasin class come from another project, added to the dependencies of my main project.

I am able to populate the picker, but I didn't manage to set Picker.ItemDisplayBinding = new Binding("otherProject.magasin.Name"); , it's just displaying otherProject.magasin for each items.

Here my code :

using otherProject; 

public partial class fForm: ContentPage
    public List<otherProject.magasin> listeMagasin;
    public fForm()
        BindingContext = this;

        listeMagasin = otherProject.magasin.chargerMagasins();

        if (listeMagasin != null)
            pickerMagasin.ItemsSource = listeMagasin;

            pickerMagasin.ItemDisplayBinding = new 

And my XAML

<ContentPage xmlns=""
   <StackLayout HorizontalOptions="FillAndExpand">
            <Picker x:Name="pickerMagasin"></Picker>

And magasin class

namespace otherProject
   public class magasin
    public string Code;
    public string Name;

    public magasin(string code)
        Code = code;

    public static List<magasin> chargerMagasins(){
    //Code here}

I tried Binding("Name") or Binding("magasin.Name"), but no success

Thanks for your help !


  • I think it is because Name and Code are just fields, they should be a property. Try to change magasin class like

    public string Name {get;set;} 
    public string Code {get;set;} 

    Then Binding("Name") will work.