I have this component:
selector: 'app-form',
templateUrl: './form.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./form.component.css'],
providers: [YoutubeService]
For some reasons I need to create an other templateURL form1.component.html conditionally.
this component contains a dialog with two buttons ( button1 and button2 ) if i click button1 i want form.component load form.component.html and if i click button2 i want form.component load form1.component.html
How can I conditionally use 2 HTML files for one component?
is there a solution like this?
selector: 'app-form',
templateUrl: if (condition) => './form.component.html' else './form1.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./form.component.css'],
providers: [YoutubeService]
app-component.html :
<first-component *ngIf="compoService.isfirst"></first-component>
<second-component *ngIf="!compoService.isfirst"></second-component>
app-component.ts :
import { CompoService } from '../compo.service';
//... other imports
//... logic
constructor(public compoService: CompoService) {}
//... logic
compo.service.ts :
export class CompoService {
ServiceSubject = new Subject<any[]>();
isfirst: boolean = true;
constructor() { }
template1() {
this.isfirst = false;
template2() {
this.isfirst = true;
dialog-component.html :
<input type="radio" name="radio3" id="template1">
<label for="template1" (click)="template1()">load templae 1</label>
<input type="radio" name="radio3" id="template2">
<label for="template2" (click)="template2()">load templae 2</label>
dialog-component.ts :
import { CompoService } from '../compo.service';
//... other imports
//... logic
constructor(public compoService: CompoService) {}
template1() {
template2() {