I am trying to display data to the table from my database using api, but I want to limit the data to a certain number example if I get 10 table columns, I want to display only 5. Here is a peice of code for my map function:
import React, {useState} from 'react'
import { Icon, Table, Menu, Select, Form,Button } from 'semantic-ui-react'
const CustomerTable = (props) => {
var leng=5;
<div style={{marginTop:'15px'}}>
<Table celled striped>
<Table.Body >
{customer.map((c) => {
<Table.Row key={c.id}>
<Button color="red">Delete</Button>
<Button color="red">Edit</Button>
export default CustomerTable;
I tried if else condition (trying to get .length) but it doesnt work as I input the customer data as a prop from my other class. Thanks in advance for the help!!
In case you know the condition before iterate you can slice the array.
<Table.Body >
{/* You could slice the array */}
{customer.slice(0,5).map((c) => {
<Table.Row key={c.id}>
<Button color="red">Delete</Button>
<Button color="red">Edit</Button>
In case you evaluate the condition while iterate through the array:
<Table.Body >
{customer.map((c, index) => {
if (index % 2 === 0) return null;
<Table.Row key={c.id}>
<Button color="red">Delete</Button>
<Button color="red">Edit</Button>
{/* Filter the return array from map */}