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Verifying method call with enum in Kotlin

I'm trying to verify that a method is called with a given argument. That argument is a non-nullable enum type. So I get the exception eq( must not be null. Here is a sample what I'm trying to do:

enum class SomeEnum {
    foo, bar

open class MyClass {
    fun doSomething() {

    internal fun magic(whatever: SomeEnum) {}

fun mockitoBug() {
    val sut = spy(MyClass())

Capturing does not work too. What can I do or is that really a bug as I assume?


  • Because Mockito was designed for Java, it doesn't play well with Kotlin's null checks. A good solution is to use the mockito-kotlin extensions library:

    It includes Kotlin versions of the matchers that won't return null. Add a dependency on mockito-kotlin and just make sure to import the Kotlin versions instead of the Java ones.