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BlueNRG Bluetooth: read central device name

I'm using the STM BlueNRG-MS chip on my peripheral device and after connection I'd like to read the name of the connected central device (android phone).

I thought I can do this directly in my user_notify routine which is registered as hci callback

  /* Initialize the Host-Controller Interface */
  hci_init(user_notify, NULL);

So on the EVT_LE_CONN_COMPLETE event, I take the provided handle for the central device and I use aci_gatt_read_using_charac_uuid() to read what I thought is the characteristic with the device name (uuid 0x2a00).

      evt_le_meta_event *evt = (void *)event_pckt->data;
          evt_le_connection_complete *cc = (void *)evt->data;
                    GAP_ConnectionComplete_CB(cc->peer_bdaddr, cc->handle);
                    uint16_t uuid = 0x2a00;
                    resp = aci_gatt_read_using_charac_uuid(cc->handle, 0, 1, UUID_TYPE_16, (uint8_t*)&uuid);
                    LOG("GATT read status: %d", resp);


Long story short, it doesn't work. First thing I'm not sure about is, what is the start_handle and end_handle parameter of aci_gatt_read_using_charac_uuid(), it returns ERR_INVALID_HCI_CMD_PARAMS.

Can someone shed some light here?

What also puzzles me is that the function aci_gatt_read_using_charac_uuid() is nowehere referenced in the BlueNRG-MS Programming Guidelines.

I changed the function call to aci_gatt_read_using_charac_uuid(cc->handle, 0x0001, 0xffff, UUID_TYPE_16, (uint8_t*)&uuid); but I still get the ERR_INVALID_HCI_CMD_PARAMS. What which paramter could even be invalid? The uuid exists, I can read the device name if I use the BlueNRG GUI with a bluetooth dongle.

Has anyone ever used this function or somehow managed to read a characteristic from a central device? I'd highly appreciate any help or hint.


  • As it turned out there are two bugs in the BlueNRG API.

    In bluenrg_aci_const.h file the OCF code OCF_GATT_READ_USING_CHARAC_UUID shall be 0x119 instead of 0x109. And in the implementation of the aci_gatt_read_using_charac_uuid() function, there is a missing setting on event:

    rq.event = EVT_CMD_STATUS;

    Patching them fixed the issue.