I got dataframe with 3 columns : sku/price_1/price_2 How to color a cell in price_2 if it is less than in price_1? what i already tried:
def highlight_late(s):
color = ['background-color: red' if s['price_2'] < s['price_1'] else
'background-color: white' for s_ in s ]
return color
df = myDataframe.style.apply(highlight_late,axis=1)
i also try with subset='price_2' but it didnt work, returns me keyerror 'price_1' but if i not use subset, its works but colorize all row. and how to color in google sheet with pygsheets ? TABLE
I think the simplest way is to create a DataFrame
of styles by conditions, set column(s) that you need in your function with Styler.apply
with axis=None
SKU price_1 price_2
0 SKU_123 5110 5110.0
1 SKU_124 4730 NaN
2 SKU_125 4490 NaN
3 SKU_126 4730 NaN
4 SKU_127 5530 5500.0
5 SKU_128 1245300 NaN
def highlight_late(x):
c1 = 'background-color: red'
# condition
m = x['price_2'] < x['price_1']
# empty DataFrame of styles
df1 = pd.DataFrame('', index=x.index, columns=x.columns)
# in case you need to set the background white
# df1 = pd.DataFrame('background-color: white', index=x.index, columns=x.columns)
# set column price_2 by condition
df1.loc[m, 'price_2'] = c1
# set column SKU by condition
# df1.loc[m, 'SKU'] = c1
return df1
df.style.apply(highlight_late, axis=None).to_excel('file.xlsx', index=False)