Very odd issue I am having. I add the following code to just add a test shortcode to my Wordpress functions.php.
add_shortcode( 'sc_brandon_test', 'brandon_test' );
function brandon_test(){
echo 'Brandon\'s Test Shortcode file works correctly!';
When using the shortcode [sc_brandon_test] in the editor the page will auto-redirect to a broken preview of the page I am trying to edit.
Any thoughts would be very appreciated.
Usually you don't echo your shortcode output directly but use a return.
would output your content immediately.
The desired behaviour is to parse the shortcode output within your main content loop e.g calling the_content()
apply_filters('the_content', get_post_field('post_content', $post_id));
add_shortcode( 'sc_brandon_test', 'brandon_test' );
function brandon_test(){
$output = 'Brandon\'s Test Shortcode file works correctly!';
return $output;
I recommend these guides
WordPress Scholar: WordPress Shortcodes
smashing magazine: WordPress Shortcodes: A Complete Guide