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Which azure-spring-boot-sample-active-directory example to use to validate access token in a Spring Boot application coming from a Vue.js application?

I have a frontend application (Vue.js) secured with @azure/msal-browser. I have an "app registration" in Azure validating if a user is part of our AD and if he/she is allowed to acces the webpage. This works fine. A user needs to authenticate first before he/she can access the webpages.

The webpage itself executes several AJAX calls towards a REST API, which is nothing more than a Spring Boot application with Spring Web enabled. This backend is not secured ... yet (!).


I want to secure the backend so that you can only query the REST API if you have a valid access token. The frontend will add the Authentication: Bearer XXX token when performing calls towards the backend.

I had a look at the examples over here: and I see 4 options:

  • azure-spring-boot-sample-active-directory-resource-server-by-filter-stateless
  • azure-spring-boot-sample-active-directory-resource-server-by-filter
  • azure-spring-boot-sample-active-directory-resource-server-obo
  • azure-spring-boot-sample-active-directory-resource-server

The first 2 seem a bit outdated, because if I run them locally, I get all deprecated warnings. But which of these examples would cover my usecase?


I want to ...

  • ... authorize the user in the frontend using msal-browser
  • ... perform requests from the frontend (well, the client browser executing AJAX calls) towards the backend by just adding the access token as header
  • ... the backend automatically validates the token and if valid, the backend returns the data

Thanks for any feedback!


  • @Jochen Hebbrecht,

    I'm the developer of azure-spring-boot-starter-active-directory.

    I think you should choose the last one: azure-spring-boot-sample-active-directory-resource-server.

    Besides, now I suggest you choose another solution: Use spring-security-oauth2-resource-server instead of azure-spring-boot-starter-active-directory.

    Here are the samples:

    The sample 03-resource-server is what you want, I think. You can go through these sample one by one to get more information about how to protect your REST API.

    If you have any questions, please create an issue here:

    cc: @Jean-François Fabre, I updated previous answer, but I can not undelete previous answer. So I created a new one.