I wanna send emails to applicants in the first stage of recruitment in Odoo 14. How can go about it using python? Here's my code.
def job_applicant_acknowledgments(self):
for rec in self:
get_first_stage = self.env['hr.recruitment.stage'].search([
('job_ids', '=', False),
('job_ids', '=', self.id)], order='sequence asc', limit=1)
if self.partner_id and get_first_stage and not emai_sent:
ctx = {}
ctx['email_to'] = rec.partner_id.email
# ctx['email_from'] = self.env.user.user_id.email
# ctx['email_from'] = self.env.user.employee_id.work_email
ctx['send_email'] = True
ctx['partner_id'] = rec.partner_id.id
template = self.env.ref(
rec.id, force_send=True, raise_exception=False)
This is what I needed. This is the python code that sends an email to the applicant either when they apply for a position or if you create a position id recruitment, odoo.
def job_applicant_acknowledgments(self):
for rec in self:
ctx = {}
ctx['email_to'] = rec.partner_id.email
ctx['email_from'] = self.env.user.user_id.email
ctx['send_email'] = True
ctx['partner_id'] = rec.partner_id.id
template = self.env.ref('hr_recruitment_custom.job_applicant_acknowledgment')
rec.id, force_send=True, raise_exception=False)
The code I added:
def job_applicant_acknowledgments_cron(self):
partner_ids = self.env['hr.applicant'].search([('email_sent', '=', False)])
for applicant in partner_ids:
if applicant.email_sent is False:
applicant.email_sent = True