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How to get all texts between the + sign and put them inside HashMap in Java

How to get all texts between the + sign and put them inside an HashMap in Java

As shown in the following example: product1 + product2 + product3 + product4 + product5

I need to put all the products in an HashMap


  • I'm assuming "product1 + product2 + product3 + product4 + product5" is a string.

    You could iterate over the string using a CharacterIterator and only grab the characters if they are not a "+" or a " " (space), then when you hit a plus sign or a space then store the built up string in the HashMap:

    HashMap<String, String> productsHashMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
    static void productsToHashMap(String str) {
        CharacterIterator it = new StringCharacterIterator(str);
        String product = "";
        while (it.current() != CharacterIterator.DONE) {
            if (it.current() != " " && it.current() != "+") {
                product += it.current();
            else {
                this.productsHashMap.put("KEY_YOU_WANT", product);
                product = "";

    Sorry if I got any of the syntax wrong, I haven't done Java in awhile. Also there are other ways of iterating over a string if you prefer doing it a different way you can see some ways here: