If I run the following code in python 3
1.0 + 1e-16
I get
as a result. Im wondering why? Assuming the numbers are stored as IEE754 double precision (64 bit) then I have the following representation of these numbers:
Number 1:
Number 1e-16:
In order to add both numbers I have to increase the exponent of the the small number by 50 to fit the exponent of the representation of number 1.0. If I do that the mantissa becomes:
After adding both mantissas my result should be:
and this is not euqal to 1.0. Can someone explain or give me a hint what I'm overlooking?
It seems your conversion of 1e-16 to binary is not correct: float.hex(1e-16)
produces 0x1.cd2b297d889bcp-54
, meaning the (unbiased) exponent is -54 in decimal, not -50. Then the leading 1 drops off the end of the significand and you end up with zero.