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Set a Pub Sub topic in Micronaut as per environment

I am following this guide to initialise a GCP Pub/Sub publisher.

The coding syntax is as follows:

public interface PubSubService {

    void send(final A a);

    void send(final B b);


I want to set this topic value based on the environment, as I will have a different topic for QA/DEV (say topic-a-qa and topic-b-qa). Is there any way for me to set this String value in the @Topic annotation via or based on environment properties?

I do not have an option of have a different Project under the GCP account, also creating a different class for QA overriding this one is not so graceful when maintaining environments.


  • You can use placeholders inside Micronaut's annotations.

    public interface PubSubService {
        void send(final A a);
        void send(final B b);

    The expression ${} instructs Micronaut to search for the value in the configuration under the key, and fall back to the value topic-a if the configuration key is not found. Then you can configure different topic names using e.g. application-qa.yml configuration file:


        name: topic-a-qa
        name: topic-b-qa

    Lastly, just make sure that when you run the application in the QA environment you set a proper active environment, e.g.

    $ java -Dmicronaut.environments=qa -jar myapp.jar