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How to check Methods return type in ArchUnit c#

I need to check that there is only one class method ("ExampleMethod") that returns "ExampleType". Can I do this with ArchUnit in C #?


  • You don't need to use ArchUnit - or anything really, just use .NET's built-in reflection API:

    using System;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Reflection;
    #if !( XUNIT || MSTEST || NUNIT)
        #error "Specify unit testing framework"
    #if MSTEST
    #elif NUNIT
    public class ReflectionTests
    #if XUNIT
    #elif MSTEST
    #elif NUNIT
        public void MyClass_should_have_only_1_ExampleMethod()
            const BindingFlags BF = BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Static;
            MethodInfo mi = typeof(MyClass).GetMethods( BF ).Single( m => m.Name == "ExampleMethod" );
    #if XUNIT
            Assert.Equal( expected: typeof(ExampleType), actual: mi.ReturnType );
    #elif MSTEST || NUNIT
            Assert.AreEqual( expected: typeof(ExampleType), actual: mi.ReturnType );