def getCommentIds(
commentTargetId: Long,
sortOrder: CommentOrderEnum): Future[Seq[CommentStatsBO]]
def getCommentDetail(commentId: Long): Future[Option[CommentDetailDTO]]
def getCommentListWithDetail(
targetId: Long,
sortOrder: CommentOrderEnum,
page: Int): Future[Seq[CommentDetailDTO]] = {
commentModel.getCommentIds(targetId, sortOrder).flatMap {
commentStatsBOSeq =>
Future.traverse(commentStatsBOSeq) { commentStatsBO =>
// commentDetail is a Future[Option[T]]
val commentDetail = getCommentDetail(commentStatsBO.iId) =>
// merge the stat info into the comment detail
.map(_.copy(replyCount = Some(commentStatsBO.replyCount)))
case class CommentDetailDTO(
id: Long,
author: JsObject,
detail: CommentDetail,
replyCount: Option[Int] = None
Firstly, the function getCommentIds
returns a sequence of CommentStatsBO, then traversing it and try to get detail for every comment. Here comes the question, getCommentDetail
returns a Future which contains an option since the comment maybe not found, in this case, how to filter those ones whose option is None? I have tried getOrElse
, but don't know how to define an empty object just like Json.obj()
since case class
doesn't support.
Don't try to do too many things at the same time, rather build the solution you need step by step.
If you do a simple Future.traverse
using just getCommentDetail
you will get a Future[Seq[Option[CommentDetailDTO]]]
which then you can map
and use collect
with the Seq
to remove the Option
def getCommentListWithDetail(
targetId: Long,
sortOrder: CommentOrderEnum,
page: Int
): Future[Seq[CommentDetailDTO]] =
commentModel.getCommentIds(targetId, sortOrder).flatMap { commentStatsBOSeq =>
Future.traverse(commentStatsBOSeq) { commentStatsBO =>
} map { commentOptionalDetails =>
commentOptionalDetails.collect {
case Some(commentDetail) => commentDetail
Or if you use cats, you can use traverseFilter
import cats.syntax.all._
def getCommentListWithDetail(
targetId: Long,
sortOrder: CommentOrderEnum,
page: Int
): Future[Seq[CommentDetailDTO]] =
commentModel.getCommentIds(targetId, sortOrder).flatMap { commentStatsBOSeq =>