I used AzureFileShare to create a dynamic PVC for a pod where I deployed a NodeJS application.
Below is the yaml of the storageclass I used to create the pvc,
apiVersion: storage.k8s.io/v1
name: my-azurefile
provisioner: kubernetes.io/azure-file
- dir_mode=0777
- file_mode=0777
- uid=0
- gid=0
- mfsymlinks
- cache=strict
- actimeo=30
skuName: Standard_LRS
The yaml file I used to create the pvc,
apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
name: dynamic-pvc
namespace: test
- ReadWriteMany
storage: 10Gi
storageClassName: my-azurefile
I took the backup of the namespace where the pod is deployed using velero. When I restored the backup in a different cluster, I see no data present in the pod. But when I use dynamic azuredisk pvc, I am able to restore the pod with the data.
NOTE: Before restoring the velero backup, I have created the my-azurefile storageclass in the new cluster where I performed the restoration.
Can anyone please explain why the restoration is not happening properly with the data when I use dynamic azurefile pvc? Thanks in Advance!
kubectl patch storageclass/<YOUR_AZURE_FILE_STORAGE_CLASS_NAME>
--type json
--patch '[{"op":"add","path":"/mountOptions/-","value":"nouser_xattr"}]'
As per the above patch method, I am able to restore the data from azurefile pv.