i have table "task" and relationship many to many with itself
public function depends_on() //parents
return $this->hasMany(DependentTask::class, 'task_id');
public function dependents() //kids
return $this->hasMany(DependentTask::class, 'dependent_id');
the relationship may be like this
i want to select the tasks like this
first print 5 or 2
then 3 and 6
then 4 and 1
how can i do it by laravel?
This is how you can use recursive relations:
public function dependsOn()
return $this->hasMany('Account', 'task_id','dependent_id');
public function dependents()
return $this->dependsOn()->with('dependents');
$dependents = Dependents::with('dependents')->first();
$dependents->dependents->first()->dependents; // .. and so on