I want to add a custom converter to a freezed class like in this answer.
I tried it with this code:
class NewsPost with _$NewsPost {
factory NewsPost({
@JsonKey(name: "date") @TimestampConverter() DateTime? date,
}) = _NewsPost;
factory NewsPost.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) =>
But it did not work. Any ideas are more than welcome!
For your interest, this is my Converter:
class TimestampConverter implements JsonConverter<DateTime, Timestamp> {
const TimestampConverter();
DateTime fromJson(Timestamp timestamp) {
return timestamp.toDate();
Timestamp toJson(DateTime date) => Timestamp.fromDate(date);
Thank you :-)
Since null safety was introduced, for JsonConverter
to work with the freezed
generator the nullability of the types declared in JsonConverter
need to match the nullability of the type in the freezed class.
If the types do not match, freezed
ignores the converter.
So using your example:
class NewsPost with _$NewsPost {
factory NewsPost({
@TimestampOrNullConverter() DateTime? date, // <-- this is nullable, so the converter needs to handle null
@TimestampConverter() DateTime createdAt, // <-- not nullable, so your exsiting converter will work
}) = _NewsPost;
factory NewsPost.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) =>
class TimestampConverter implements JsonConverter<DateTime, Timestamp> {
const TimestampConverter();
DateTime fromJson(Timestamp timestamp) {
return timestamp.toDate();
Timestamp toJson(DateTime date) => Timestamp.fromDate(date);
class TimestampOrNullConverter implements JsonConverter<DateTime?, Timestamp?> {
const TimestampOrNullConverter();
DateTime? fromJson(Timestamp? timestamp) {
return timestamp?.toDate();
Timestamp? toJson(DateTime? date) => date == null ? null : Timestamp.fromDate(date);
Tested and working on flutter 2.5.3 with the following dependency versions:
build_runner: ^2.1.4
freezed: ^0.15.0+1
json_serializable: ^5.0.2