If we have a Class Book and we want to calculate the score of a Book following some rules like "if the number of pages is lower than X then we need to substract Y from the score" and using an Hexagonal Architecture. Should we place this method calculateScore() in a separate Service in case this logic changes in the future using different fields or this reponsibility should be in the Domain itself?
1st approach
package com.xxx.domain;
public class Book {
public Double score() {
2nd approach
package com.xxx.application;
public interface ScoreService {
void calculateScore(Book book);
Should we place this method calculateScore() in a separate Service in case this logic changes in the future using different fields or this reponsibility should be in the Domain itself?
First the clean architecture is very clear when it comes to the question "Where should business logic be placed?".
But I think your question is about something a bit different, it's about anemic or rich domain models. I can't tell you every of my thoughts here, but I have written down most of them in the blog I linked in the sentence before.
The condensed statement of mine is
rich domain models combine data and logic while anemic models separate them.
Let's think about the anemic way...
If you place the logic in a separate service it usually means that you have to expose all properties of the book. You will make them public or at least package scope if the service is in the same package.
Your question also focuses on change. You make the statement that logic changes can be better handled if the logic is put in a separate service. That's true, but it comes at a cost.
It's true that an anemic model let you add logic easier, but it is also true that each logic (each service) must have the same interpretation of the anemic model. I mean each service must know how to modify the data structure properly to keep it consistent and that will be hard to maintain when the number of services grows.
But implementing the service can also be a good intermediate step, because it will give you a hint about cohesion. The cohesion usually shows you where to place a method. E.g.
public class ScoreService {
public BookScore calculateScore(Book book, BookRentals rentals){
int pageCount = book.getPageCount();
Author author = book.getAuthor();
// calculate a new value based on pageCount and the author
// ...
OtherValue ov = book.getSomeOtherValue();
// do something with ov
int rentalCount = rentals.getCountSince(someDate);
// ... and so on
When you look at the calculateScore
above you will recognize that there are a lot of get
invocations on Book
and less on BookRentals
. This is a hint that most of the data that calculateScore
needs is placed in the Book
. Thus the calculateScore
's cohesion is higher to Book
and the method might be placed in the Book
class. E.g.
public class Book {
public BookScore getScore(BookRentals rentals){
int pageCount = this.getPageCount();
Author author = this.getAuthor();
// calculate a new value based on pageCount and the author
// ...
OtherValue ov = this.getSomeOtherValue();
// do something with ov
int rentalCount = rentals.getCountSince(someDate);
// ... and so on
The difference is obvious:
is an aggregation root and also has access to BookRentals
. Then your parameters might decrease to zero.getScore
needs are located in the Book
class, you might want to lower their visibilily to private. So that uncontrolled access is not allowed.One question that often arises when developers put the logic in the entities is: "How can an entity access data from a data store?"
My solution is to just pass a repository to the methods that need it. E.g.
public class Book {
public BookScore getScore(BookRentalRepository repo){
// ...
int rentalCount = repo.getRentalCountSince(this, someDate);
Whatever way you want to go, anemic or rich, keep the logic in a POJO. Also keep in mind that a POJO can be more than a simple data structure.
I hope my answer helps you to make a decision for your specific application.