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Query whether Azure App Services has backup setup

Can anyone suggestion a way to query App Services backup status? For example, Let say I have a lot of App Services in Azure, different resource groups, instead of clicking through each one and check if backup is setup or not. I want to have a query so I can execute it and return the result?

Thanks in advance.


  • Based on the above shared requirement , we have written the below PowerShell script to pull the backup details of a webapp. the below script will check whether if there is backup enabled or not for a particular web under resource group.

    • if backup not enabled scrip will through an error --> Get-AzWebAppBackupConfiguration : Operation returned an invalid status code 'NotFound'
    • if backup is enabled scrip will return --> webappName,storageaccounturi of the backup where it is stored
    $RGName='<ResourceGroupName>' ##Pass your ResourceGroupName 
    $list= Get-AzWebApp -ResourceGroupName $RGName
    foreach($list in $listarray){
        $config=Get-AzWebAppBackupConfiguration -ResourceGroupName $RGName -Name $
        Write-Host $config.Name,$config.StorageAccountUrl| Format-Table -AutoSize

    Here is the sample output for reference:

    enter image description here