Search code examples

Go routine returns less results then the actual result

I have a LOOP that does the hashing inside for a given key and returns the result, but on Result, If I have 1500 list of URL that goes inside LOOP, it never returns the result of 1500, it returns always lesser then 1500.

What am I doing wrong in below:

if len(URLLists) > 0 {
    var base = ""
    var wg sync.WaitGroup
    var mutex = sync.Mutex{}
    for _, url := range URLLists {
        // wg.Add(1)  OR above for loop
        go func() {
            defer wg.Done()
            hmac := "HMAX_123"
            out := encoding.HexEncodeURL(hmac, url)
            final := base + out
            list := Lists{
                Old: url,
                New: final,
            response.URL = append(response.URL, list)
    jR, err := json.Marshal(response)
    if err != nil {
        w.Write([]byte(`{"success": false, "url" : ""}`))
    } else {

I tried both method for Add - one inside loop by 1 and one outside loop by total length.

I want function to return all 1500 URL list and not just "700, 977, 1123" random list.

It looks like - wg.Wait() is not waiting for all the wg.Add - added


  • There are a couple of errors in this program:

    1. You are using the loop variable inside the goroutine. The loop variable is rewritten at each iteration, so when the goroutine uses the url, it might have already moved on to the next URL, thus you end up with multiple goroutines hashing the same URL. To fix:
        for _, url := range URLLists {
            url:=url // Create a copy of the url
            // wg.Add(1)  OR above for loop
    1. You have a race condition. You have to protect access to response.URL because it is being written by multiple goroutines. You can use a mutex:
    for _,url:=...
      response.URL = append(response.URL, list)

    A better way would be to send these over a channel.