I have a LOOP that does the hashing inside for a given key and returns the result, but on Result, If I have 1500 list of URL that goes inside LOOP, it never returns the result of 1500, it returns always lesser then 1500.
What am I doing wrong in below:
if len(URLLists) > 0 {
var base = "https://example.com/query?="
var wg sync.WaitGroup
var mutex = sync.Mutex{}
for _, url := range URLLists {
// wg.Add(1) OR above for loop
go func() {
defer wg.Done()
hmac := "HMAX_123"
out := encoding.HexEncodeURL(hmac, url)
final := base + out
list := Lists{
Old: url,
New: final,
response.URL = append(response.URL, list)
jR, err := json.Marshal(response)
if err != nil {
w.Write([]byte(`{"success": false, "url" : ""}`))
} else {
I tried both method for Add
- one inside loop by 1 and one outside loop by total length.
I want function to return all 1500 URL list and not just "700, 977, 1123" random list.
It looks like - wg.Wait()
is not waiting for all the wg.Add
- added
There are a couple of errors in this program:
, it might have already moved on to the next URL, thus you end up with multiple goroutines hashing the same URL. To fix: for _, url := range URLLists {
url:=url // Create a copy of the url
// wg.Add(1) OR above for loop
because it is being written by multiple goroutines. You can use a mutex:lock:=sync.Mutex{}
for _,url:=...
response.URL = append(response.URL, list)
A better way would be to send these over a channel.