I have a relatively big data table that essentially includes -people -where they live -what they do -move-in dates -move-out dates. My goal is to derive a running weekly census table with each week as a row, and a column for each occupation and city, populated with the headcount at that time.
data <- data.frame(
first_names = c("joe", "sally", "bob", "frank", "susy"),
move_in = as.Date(c("2020-01-01", "2021-01-04", "2020-04-01", "2018-12-20", "2019-10-12")),
move_out = as.Date(c("2021-01-01", NA, "2021-10-01", NA, NA)),
city = c("Denver", "Phoenix", "Austin", "Denver", "Seattle"),
occupation = c("doctor", "doctor", "architect", "teacher", "teacher"))
#what I've tried :
cities = unique(data$city)[!is.na(unique(data$city))]
occupations = unique(data$occupation)[!is.na(unique(data$occupation))]
weeks <- (date = seq(from = as.Date("2020-12-27"), to = as.Date(today()), by="1 week"))
census <- matrix(data=NA, nrows=44, ncols=12)
for (i in seq(cities)){
for (j in seq(occupations)){
count <- data %>%
filter(cities == i) %>%
filter(occupations == j) %>%
sapply(weeks, function(x)
((as.Date(data$move_in)) <= as.Date(x) &
(as.Date(data$move_out)) > as.Date(x))|
((as.Date(data$move_in)) <= as.Date(x) &
census[j,x] <- count
Here's a possible solution using some tidyverse verbs, since you loaded that package. We loop over the weeks you're interested in using the map_dfr
function, and for each week we collect a subset of the people who are there using your logic statement above. Then, we can use group_by
to skip the double outer loop and count
them directly. Finally, we mutate
a new column for week to keep them straight after they're bound together. Outside of the loop, we then pivot_wider
to get the one-column-per-occupation and one-row-per-week format that you're looking for.
data <- data.frame(
first_names = c("joe", "sally", "bob", "frank", "susy"),
move_in = as.Date(c("2020-01-01", "2021-01-04", "2020-04-01", "2018-12-20", "2019-10-12")),
move_out = as.Date(c("2021-01-01", NA, "2021-10-01", NA, NA)),
city = c("Denver", "Phoenix", "Austin", "Denver", "Seattle"),
occupation = c("doctor", "doctor", "architect", "teacher", "teacher"))
# Avoid needing to load lubridate by using Sys.Date() instead of today()
weeks <- (date = seq(from = as.Date("2020-12-27"), to = as.Date(Sys.Date()), by="1 week"))
map_dfr(weeks, function(week_i){
data %>%
filter(move_in<week_i & move_out > week_i | move_in < week_i & is.na(move_out)) %>%
group_by(city, occupation) %>%
count() %>%
}) %>%
pivot_wider(values_from = n, names_from = occupation, values_fill = 0)
which returns
# A tibble: 170 x 5
# Groups: city [4]
city week architect doctor teacher
<chr> <date> <int> <int> <int>
1 Austin 2020-12-27 1 0 0
2 Denver 2020-12-27 0 1 1
3 Seattle 2020-12-27 0 0 1
4 Austin 2021-01-03 1 0 0
5 Denver 2021-01-03 0 0 1
6 Seattle 2021-01-03 0 0 1
7 Austin 2021-01-10 1 0 0
8 Denver 2021-01-10 0 0 1
9 Phoenix 2021-01-10 0 1 0
10 Seattle 2021-01-10 0 0 1
# ... with 160 more rows
It looks like you're getting errors due to a couple typos. You're using the filter
verb to ask for the cities
column, but data only has a city
column in the sample data set. Same for occupations
vs occupation
. Good to keep in mind for the future, but great first effort and nicely provided example!