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Plot complex inequality in Julia

I have the mathematical expression |z - (-1)| < 1, with z element of Complexes, which is equivalent of a circle of radius 1 centered in (x,y)=(-1,0).

  1. How can I plot this expression,
  2. preserving the structure of the mathematical expression it was derived from, as much as possible?
  3. It should be an area.

What I tried so far:

using ImplicitEquations, Plots

f(a,b) = abs.(a+im*b - (-1))

The error I got:

ERROR: MethodError: no method matching isless(::typeof(f), ::Int64)
Closest candidates are:
  isless(::Union{StatsBase.PValue, StatsBase.TestStat}, ::Real) at /home/buddhilw/.julia/packages/StatsBase/PGTj8/src/statmodels.jl:514
  isless(::AbstractGray{T} where T, ::Real) at /home/buddhilw/.julia/packages/ColorTypes/6m8P7/src/operations.jl:31
  isless(::ForwardDiff.Dual{Tx, V, N} where {V, N}, ::Integer) where
Tx at /home/buddhilw/.julia/packages/ForwardDiff/UDrkY/src/dual.jl:144
 [1] <(x::Function, y::Int64)
   @ Base ./operators.jl:279
 [2] top-level scope
   @ REPL[62]:1


  • There's not a lot of documentation for ImplicitEquations, but something stands out: you're not using the right operators. The package relies on unusual operators to represent math expressions with Julia functions: ≪ (\ll[tab]), ≦ (\leqq[tab]), ⩵ (\Equal[tab]), ≶ (\lessgtr[tab]) or ≷ (\gtrless[tab]), ≧ (\geqq[tab]), ≫ (\leqq[tab]).

    So that fix would look like:

    using ImplicitEquations, Plots
    f(a,b) = sqrt((a+1)^2 + b^2)
    plot(f ≪ 1)


    f(a,b) = abs(a + im*b - (-1)) causes a method ambiguity error. f(a, b) = hypot(a+1, b), which is what abs calls, also causes the error. It looks like the issue is that at some point in hypot, OInterval(x::Ointerval) is called, but dispatch could not pick between (::Type{T})(x::T) where T<:Number in boot.jl or OInterval(a) in intervals.jl. Just redefining OInterval(a::Ointerval) = a won't work either because you run into another MethodError for decompose(::OInterval), which is a method intended for processing floats. Looking at the comments in intervals.jl, the dispatch seems like a work in progress.