Hello fellow Haskell Fans!
All my questions are about the -- OVERLOADED(?) FUNCTION -- part, I included the rest for completeness.
I was wondering if it makes sense to use Pattern Matching to Overload my function order like I did in my example below.
I was also wondering if the first function with the function call "checkBalance balance" in the first version of the order function always gets executerd (because I didn't sepcify a pattern for it) or never (because all the patterns of Food are covered in the functions below).
Thanks in advance from a beginner :)
data Spice = Regular | Medium | Hot
data Base = Noodles | Rice
data Meat = Duck | Chicken | Pork
data Sauce = Tomato | Meatballs | Carbonara
data Food = Indian Spice | Pasta Sauce | Chinese Base Meat
data DeliveryOption = Pickup | Delivery
data DeliveryTime = Immediate | Later
type CreditBalance = Int
data Order = O Food DeliveryOption CreditBalance
data OrderStatus = Success | Pending | Declined
order :: (Order, CreditBalance) -> OrderStatus
order (O {}, balance)
| not (checkBalance balance ) = Declined
| ...
order (O Indian {} _ _, _)
| ...
order (O Pasta {} _ _, _)
| ...
order (O Chinese {} _ _, _)
| ...
checkBalance :: CreditBalance -> Bool
checkBalance balance
| balance > 100 = True
| otherwise = False
order :: (Order, CreditBalance) -> OrderStatus
order (O {}, balance)
| not (checkBalance balance ) = Declined
| ...
The above pattern will cover every case and anything below it will never have the opportunity to check.
Reason is that Order
has only one constructor, namely O
, and (O {})
, matches all possible arguments to the O
constructor. The other member of the tuple is just a simple Int
which always matches.
Since patterns are matched from top to bottom and the first that matches is chosen, the ordering of their definition in code is important. If you put the broadest possible pattern at the top, the more specific ones below will never have the opportunity to match.
As for overloading function, I can think of how one could (ab)use pattern matching to imitate function overloading as in OOP, but then you would also need to (ab)use data declarations and the whole type system to bend them to conform to such an idea and this would just make things worse.