I have created a use case diagram based on a scenario, I identified 5 actors in total.
However, I am trying to identify the correct primary actor.
I am undecided between Team Leader and Maintenance Engineer as primary actor as they work pretty closely.
There are two levels at stake here.
For a whole system or a whole use case diagram there may often be several primary actors:
The primary actors are the ones for whom the system is built; they are the ones to whom the system provides sufficient economic value to warrant its construction.
- Bittner & Spence in Use Case Modeling
At the level of a single use-case, there may often be one primary actor:
The primary actor of a use case is the stakeholder that calls on the system to deliver one of its services. (...) The primary actor is oten, but not always the actor who triggers the use case.
- Cockburn in Writing effective use cases
In your case, it's even more ambiguous since you seem to have 13 use-cases split between 3 different systems (and some floating in-between): at which level are you looking for a primary actor?