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ansible find (-or linux) for directories with set depth

I'm trying to use the Ansible find builtin to create something similar to

find /home/user/data -maxdepth 2 -type d -name 'mul' -or -name 'sqr'

where /home/user/data has folders a,b,c... and in each of them could be none/one/both of mul- or sqr-directories.

It works well with that Linux query and with Ansible I tried

   - name: find fields
        depth: 2
        paths: "/home/user/data"
        file_type: directory
          - 'mul'
          - 'sqr'
      register: fields
  - name: debug1
        msg: " myitem: {{ item }}"
      loop: "{{ fields.files | map(attribute='path') }}"

but my debug output is empty. I could remove the patterns and set depth: 1, resulting in a list a,b,c and then iterate over those to find mul and sqr but that takes unnecessarily long if the lists get long.


  • As Vladimir said, setting recurse: yes solves the issue. I'm still wondering, why, when setting depth: 2, recurse: yes is not implied. Here is the full example:

       - name: find fields
            depth: 2
            paths: "/home/user/data"
            file_type: directory
            recurse: yes
              - 'mul'
              - 'sqr'
          register: fields
      - name: debug1
            msg: " myitem: {{ item }}"
          loop: "{{ fields.files | map(attribute='path') }}"