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How to use sumo/tools/ in order to make random trips that do start from starting lanes and end to final lanes

I'm having problems with SUMO's, although I set a really high fringe factor, I still get vehicle spawns "inside" my network. I want to make trips that start of a starting lane and end to a final lane.

Here's how I generated my trips files. I want ~ 1000 vehs, 1 veh spawning every 2 secs at a duration of ~2000 secs.

python3 /home/sumo/tools/ -n -b 0 -e 2000 -p 2 --trip-attributes="departLane=\"best\" departSpeed=\"10.0\" departPos=\"base\"" --route-file trips.xml --fringe-factor 200000

What is happening here?


  • If your network is not too big you can consider listing the probabilities explicitly and use one or two weight files to give the edge probabilities. The details are described here: