is it possible to send a request using message passing api to the same page that will be listening to it? it dosen't seem to work!
One solution is to setup a listener on some other page and then redirect the request back to the parent page. But it is a hack and i really dont want to do that :(
EDIT (updated)
background.html (0)
chrome.extension.sendRequest({action:'foo'}, function(response) {
//do stuff
index.html (1)
chrome.extension.sendRequest({action:'foo'}, function(response) {
//do stuff
background.html (2)
chrome.extension.onRequest.addListener(function(request,sender,sendResponse) {
if(request.action=='foo') //do stuff
//the code form (0)
from above (1) works but (0) does not :(
from (2)
chrome.extension.onRequest.addListener(function(request,sender,sendResponse) {
switch(request.action) {
case 'foo': //do some stuff here
The above switch has grown rather long.. some 30 entries i guess.. plus there is no way to call the switch other than poking the eventlistener. (or am i missing something?)
i want to execute the case 'foo':
's code somewhere below it in the same file hence i tried calling it in (0).
As you found out already you can't really send a request to the same page, so as a workaround I would do the following:
function requestHandler(request, sendResponse) {
switch(request.action) {
case 'foo':
chrome.extension.onRequest.addListener(function(request,sender,sendResponse) {
requestHandler(request, sendResponse);
//calling handler directly
requestHandler({action:"foo"}, function(result) {