I am conducting a simple search of JSON held in a MySQL database, however the results are returning enclosed in square brackets and quotes.
SELECT stored_json->>'$.*.referal' AS referal FROM table WHERE id = 100
results in
| referal |
| ["search"] |
Is there a way to get MYSQL to return the results without the brackets and quotes?
| referal |
| search |
JSON example
"100": {
"referal": "search"
If you just want a single value from the array, then extract that value and unquote it:
JSON_EXTRACT(stored_json, '$.*.referal'), '$[0]')) AS referal
FROM ...
| referal |
| search |
The JSON_UNQUOTE() function converts the result to a string, but if you give it a JSON array or object, it can't remove the brackets and double-quotes. Those just become part of the string. You must extract a single scalar value from the JSON, and then you can use JSON_UNQUOTE() to remove the double-quotes.
I suppose you might want to get results if there are more than one value in your JSON document.
| referal |
| ["search","word of mouth"] |
Sorry, I don't see a solution for this, other than:
REPLACE(..., '[', '')
And so on, removing the other characters you don't want.
In MySQL 8.0, the function REGEXP_REPLACE() can strip multiple characters in one pass:
REGEXP_REPLACE(..., '["\\[\\]]', '')