I'm creating an overlay FS (using unionfs-fuse) from a script in an AppImage (created with appimage-builder v0.9.2).
The overlay is mounted successfully, but at the end of the script, it fails to unmount properly with 'Operation not permitted
After the AppImage has ended though, fusermount -u
works fine.
Here is the script script.sh
ROOT_DIR=$(mktemp -d -t test-XXXXXX)
myUID=$(id -u)
myGID=$(id -g)
mkdir -p ${USER_DIR}
echo "Hello world!" > ${USER_DIR}/hello.txt
# create an overlay of $USER_DIR (rw) over $APPDIR (ro) into $ROOT_DIR
UNIONFS="unionfs -o cow,uid=${myUID},gid=${myGID} ${USER_DIR}=RW:${APPDIR} ${ROOT_DIR}"
if ! $( ${UNIONFS} ); then
echo "mount failed!"
exit 1
echo "overlay created in ${ROOT_DIR}"
# files in $USER_DIR may be read/written from the overlay
cat ${ROOT_DIR}/hello.txt
# unmount overlay before closing the AppImage
fusermount -zu ${ROOT_DIR}
rmdir ${ROOT_DIR}
Here is the AppImage recipe AppImageBuilder.yml
version: 1
path: /home/user/bugreport
id: org.appimage.test
name: AppimageTest
icon: terminal
version: 0.0.1
exec: bin/dash
exec_args: "script.sh"
arch: amd64
- sourceline: 'deb [arch=amd64] http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ bionic main restricted universe multiverse'
key_url: 'http://keyserver.ubuntu.com/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x3b4fe6acc0b21f32'
- sourceline: 'deb [arch=amd64] http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ bionic-updates main restricted universe multiverse'
- sourceline: 'deb [arch=amd64] http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ bionic-backports main restricted universe multiverse'
include: [unionfs-fuse, dash, coreutils]
exclude: []
arch: x86_64
update-information: None
sign-key: None
(a random icon file is also required in terminal.png
to build the AppImage).
The AppImage was built using:
$ appimage-builder --recipe ./AppImageBuilder.yml
Any help would be appreciated!
A workaround is:
fusermount -u
, kill the last unionfs process with pkill -nf ${ROOT_DIR}
The resulting script:
ROOT_DIR=$(mktemp -d -t test-XXXXXX)
myUID=$(id -u)
myGID=$(id -g)
mkdir -p ${USER_DIR}
echo "Hello world!" > ${USER_DIR}/hello.txt
# create an overlay of $USER_DIR (rw) over $APPDIR (ro) into $ROOT_DIR
UNIONFS="unionfs -o cow,auto_unmount,uid=${myUID},gid=${myGID} ${USER_DIR}=RW:${APPDIR} ${ROOT_DIR}"
if ! $( ${UNIONFS} ); then
echo "mount failed!"
exit 1
echo "overlay created in ${ROOT_DIR}"
# files in $USER_DIR may be read/written from the overlay
cat ${ROOT_DIR}/hello.txt
# killing unionfs will unmount the overlay
pkill -nf ${ROOT_DIR}
sleep 0.1
rmdir ${ROOT_DIR}