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SQL: Convert duration in microseconds to DD:HH:MM:SS

I am working with data containing [duration] in microseconds, some examples:

5982312624, 181240328664, 2981750461, 993806305107, 3015857413, 283850264906, 5987597545, 240770859583

I converted this to number of hours, minutes and seconds as follows:

(CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), Dateadd(second, (((([duration]/10^7)/3600*60)/1000000.0)*60),0),114)) AS [HH:MM:SS]

The problem I am facing is when this exeeds 24 hours it does not register correctly.

Question: I would either like to add a day in here for example: DD:HH:MM:SS -> 01:23:04:33 or just continue the count of hours example: 45:12:52.

Hope anyone can help. Thanks in advance.


  • Assuming a duration can't be longer than 100 days, which I hope it can't if you're recording microseconds, then given this sample data:

    CREATE TABLE dbo.Source(id int identity, duration bigint);
    INSERT dbo.Source(duration) VALUES

    One way is to determine the day of year after adding seconds (not microseconds, which will overflow) to any arbitrary January 1st, and prepend the number of days onto the conversion to time:

    SELECT id, duration, 
      [DD:HH:MM:SS] = RIGHT('0' + RTRIM(DATEPART(DAYOFYEAR, dt) - 1), 2)
        + ':' + CONVERT(char(8), dt, 108)
      FROM dbo.Source 
        VALUES(DATEADD(SECOND, duration/1000000.0, '20000101'))
      ) AS d(dt);


    id duration DD:HH:MM:SS
    1 5982312624 00:01:39:42
    2 181240328664 02:02:20:40
    3 2981750461 00:00:49:41
    4 993806305107 11:12:03:26
    5 3015857413 00:00:50:15
    6 283850264906 03:06:50:50
    7 5987597545 00:01:39:47
    8 240770859583 02:18:52:50

    If it can be more than 100 days (or more than a year), you can make this slight change:

    SELECT id, duration, 
      [DDDD:HH:MM:SS] = RIGHT('000' + RTRIM(DATEDIFF(DAY, '20000101', dt)), 4)
        + ':' + CONVERT(char(8), dt, 108)
      FROM dbo.Source 
        VALUES(DATEADD(SECOND, duration/1000000.0, '20000101'))
      ) AS d(dt);


    id duration DDDD:HH:MM:SS
    1 5982312624 0000:01:39:42
    2 181240328664 0002:02:20:40
    3 2981750461 0000:00:49:41
    4 993806305107 0011:12:03:26
    5 3015857413 0000:00:50:15
    6 283850264906 0003:06:50:50
    7 5987597545 0000:01:39:47
    8 240770859583 0002:18:52:50

    And for completeness, if you want all the hours added together instead of separating days, it's actually slightly more complicated:

    SELECT id, duration, 
        [HHHH:MM:SS] = RIGHT('000' + CONVERT(varchar(11), 
          24 * DATEDIFF(DAY, '20000101', dt) + DATEPART(HOUR, dt)), 4)
          + RIGHT(CONVERT(char(8), dt, 108), 6)
      FROM dbo.Source 
        VALUES(DATEADD(SECOND, duration/1000000.0, '20000101'))
      ) AS d(dt);


    id duration HHHH:MM:SS
    1 5982312624 0001:39:42
    2 181240328664 0050:20:40
    3 2981750461 0000:49:41
    4 993806305107 0276:03:26
    5 3015857413 0000:50:15
    6 283850264906 0078:50:50
    7 5987597545 0001:39:47
    8 240770859583 0066:52:50

    If it can be more than 1,000 days, well, perhaps you should consider storing start and end as datetime instead of duration in microseconds.