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Application compatible until win10 but not run in windows server versions

a simple command line x86 application with run format:
app.exe infile outfile
not running in windows server (tested in win server 2016 2019)
some Exception codes : 0xc0000005 0xc00001a5
but run without any problem in windows XP until windows 10 x86/x64 systems
test all compatibility wizard options but no result!
user : admin and full read/write access
in other desktop windows when parameter is invalid show help ,
but in windows server even don't show help.
it's seems that can't access file and problem in file handling or parameter handling
how can i do to run this app in windows server (all possible ways)
thanks advance


  • after search about 0xc0000005
    one of reasons is windows system DEP (Data Execution Prevention)
    when add process in Exception process list , problem is resolved full option path:
    System Properties(Advance System Settings) -> Advanced->Performance Section->Settings->Data Execution Prevention->Turn On for all program and services except... -> Use Add button and Add your desired application
    thanks all