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How to create a custom ID for an item in a discord-py-slash-command dropdown?

I am using a library called discord-py-slash-command to implement slash commands and dropdown menus into my discord bot, coded in

The Problem:

My problem is that I am unable to assign custom IDs to different items, and therefore I cannot identify the selected item. Using a separate bot event will not work for me.

My Code:

I have successfully created a basic dropdown menu with the following code:

select = create_select(
            create_select_option("Option 1", value="Option 1", emoji="1️⃣"),
            create_select_option("Option 2", value="Option 2", emoji="2️⃣"),
            create_select_option("Option 3", value="Option 3", emoji="3️⃣"),
        placeholder="Choose an option or two", 
    await user.send("Select options here", components=[create_actionrow(select)])

I then use the following code to wait for selected items and then send the results:

select_ctx: ComponentContext = await wait_for_component(client, components=create_actionrow(select))
await select_ctx.edit_origin(content=f"You chose an option!")

I would like to be able to assign a custom ID to each select option in the top code block because the random IDs generated for you are very long and unmemorable, such as:


What I have tried:

I've tried adding both custom_id and id parameters to each select option in select. When I do so, I receive the following error:

TypeError: create_select_option() got an unexpected keyword argument 'custom_id'

Is assigning custom IDs only available for buttons or am I assigning the ID in the wrong place? I'd appreciate any answers or feedback. Thanks!


  • There is a custom_id for dropdowns. You place it exactly after the min and max values.

    Select = create_select(options = [
        create_select_option("Option 1", value="Option 1", emoji="1️⃣"),
        create_select_option("Option 1", value="Option 1", emoji="1️⃣"),
        create_select_option("Option 1", value="Option 1", emoji="1️⃣"),
            placeholder="Choose a help category",