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How can I pass props after fetching from database?

I am using Firebase as backend and the schema is as following

const sample_data = {
  Name: "",
  Address: "",
  Contact_no: "",
  Email: "",
  img_url: ""

First of all I am fetching with asyncfunction like this


let dummy = {}

async function getItems(){
    const response = await fetch('realtime__database__of__firebase__url');
    if (!response.ok) {
        throw new Error("Something went wrong");
      dummy = await response.json();
export default dummy;

then I'm passing the retrieved data to my card component like this.


import Card from "../UI/Card";
import dummy from "./FetchList";

const ListHospitals = () => {
    return <Card>

export default ListHospitals;

Finally I want to access all data that I passed as props in my CARD component, but when I console.log here the output is undefined and when I console.log after fetching the data it gives suitable output. The problem I'm getting is the FetchList component is being exported before fetching the data.


import classes from "./Card.module.css";

const Card = (props) => {

    let url = props.children.img;
    return <div>
                <img src={props.children.img} alt={props.children.Name}></img>

                <h1 >{props.children.Name}</h1>
                <h3 >Contact</h3>


export default Card;


  • FetchList isn't a React component. You should be doing the data fetching from a React component lifecycle method or useEffect hook when the component mounts (or as needed on-demand).

    Export the getItems function:

    async function getItems(){
      const response = await fetch('realtime__database__of__firebase__url');
      if (!response.ok) {
        throw new Error("Something went wrong");
      return response.json();
    export default getItems;

    Load when the component mounts. Pass the data as a prop to Card instead of as children.

    import { useEffect, useState } from 'react';
    import Card from "../UI/Card";
    import getItems from "./FetchList";
    const ListHospitals = () => {
      const [data, setData] = useState({});
      useEffect(() => {
          .then(data => setData(data))
          .catch(error => {
            // fetch can return rejected Promise, maybe handle it?
      }, []);
      return <Card data={data} />;

    Card - access the data prop.

    const Card = ({ data }) => {
      const url = data.img;
      return (
          <img src={data.img} alt={data.Name} />
          <h1 >{data.Name}</h1>