I am trying to update and print a counter variable inside of a Go template when iterating through a nested for loop.
I am not trying to print the index of either of my data structures as I loop through. I am not going to print every object in each data structure, and I want this counter variable to only increment when an equality statement is true.
What am I doing wrong here?
Go Playground link: https://play.golang.org/p/RsuEk1PqZ7a
type a struct {
Numbers []string
Letters []string
var data = &a{
Numbers: []string{"one", "two"},
Letters: []string{"a","b","b", "c"},
var tmplSrc = `start
{{with $i := 0}}
{{range $number := .Numbers}}
{{range $letter := .Letters}}
{{if eq $letter "b"}}
{{$i = add $i 1}}
func main() {
funcMap := template.FuncMap{
"add": func(a int, b int) int {
return a + b
tmpl := template.Must(template.New("test").Funcs(funcMap).Parse(tmplSrc))
tmpl.Execute(os.Stdout, data)
The error returned from tmpl.Execute execute hints at the problem:
test:3:21: executing "test" at <.Numbers>: can't evaluate field Numbers in type int
Always handle errors!
The problem is that {{with $i := 0}}
sets .
to the 0
. The template expects .
to be the data argument to the template. Fix by using $
to refer to the data argument. A similar change is required for .Letters
because {{range}}
also sets .
{{with $i := 1}}
{{range $number := $.Numbers}}
{{range $letter := $.Letters}}
{{if eq $letter "b"}}
{{$i = add $i 1}}
I used {{with $i := 1}}
to match the code in the playground. The question uses {{with $i := 0}}
. The code in the question introduces yet another problem: the contents of the {{with}}
is skipped because the condition evaluates to false (0 is false in template conditions). Fix by removing the {{with}}
directive. It's not needed.
{{$i := 0}}
{{range $number := $.Numbers}}
{{range $letter := $.Letters}}
{{if eq $letter "b"}}
{{$i = add $i 1}}