public ExchangeService CreateConnection(string url)
ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback = (object obj, X509Certificate certificate, X509Chain chain, SslPolicyErrors errors) => true;
ExchangeService service = new ExchangeService();
service.Url = new Uri(url);
service.UseDefaultCredentials = true; // Uses users windows login credentials
return service;
public void SendEmail(string sEmailTo, string slocation, DateTime dtdate, string slogyard, string sScaling, string sLogMfct, string sOther, string sScaler, int icheckbox)
string scheckbox;
string sDomain = Globals.gDefaultEmailSuffix;
string sUserName = SystemInformation.UserName;
ExchangeService service = CreateConnection("");
string sHTMLpre = $"{EmailBody(Globals.gHTML)}";
EmailMessage mailMessage = new EmailMessage(service); // Use with exchange service
if (icheckbox > 0)
scheckbox = "Yes";
scheckbox = "No";
sHTMLpre = sHTMLpre.Replace("[@Location]", slocation);
sHTMLpre = sHTMLpre.Replace("[@Date]", dtdate.ToString());
sHTMLpre = sHTMLpre.Replace("[@LogYard]", slogyard);
sHTMLpre = sHTMLpre.Replace("[@Scaling]", sScaling);
sHTMLpre = sHTMLpre.Replace("[@LogManufacturing]", sLogMfct);
sHTMLpre = sHTMLpre.Replace("[@Scaler]", sScaler);
sHTMLpre = sHTMLpre.Replace("[@Other]", sOther);
sHTMLpre = sHTMLpre.Replace("[@RemotesExist]", scheckbox);
mailMessage.ToRecipients.Add(new EmailAddress($"{sEmailTo}@{sDomain}")); // Use with Exchange service
mailMessage.From = new EmailAddress($"{sUserName}@{sDomain}"); // Use with Exchange service
mailMessage.Subject = $"Scaling Yard Report for {slocation} on {dtdate}"; // Use with Exchange
mailMessage.Body = sHTMLpre; // Use with Exchange
mailMessage.SendAndSaveCopy()); //Use with Exchange Service
if (Globals.bLastEmail == true)
MessageBox.Show("Email Sent Successfully!");
Globals.MonthlyLog("Email Sent", $"Recipients:{Globals.gEmailList}");
catch (Exception ex)
Globals.MonthlyLog("Email Fail", $"{ex.Message}");
And Here is the VB.Net code that works just fine:
Public Function CreateConnection(ByVal url As String) As ExchangeService
ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback = Function(ByVal obj As Object, ByVal certificate As X509Certificate, ByVal chain As X509Chain, ByVal errors As SslPolicyErrors) True
Dim service As New ExchangeService()
service.Url = New Uri(url)
service.UseDefaultCredentials = True ' Uses users windows login credentials
Return service
End Function
Public Sub SendEmail(sEmailTo As String, slocation As String, dtdate As String, slogyard As String, sScaling As String, sLogMfct As String, sOther As String, sScaler As String, scheckbox As String)
Dim sDomain As String = gDefaultEmailSuffix
Dim sUserName As String = SystemInformation.UserName
Dim service As ExchangeService = CreateConnection("")
Dim sHTMLpre As String = $"{EmailBody(gHTML)}"
Dim mailMessage = New EmailMessage(service) ' Use with exchange service
'Dim mailMessage As New MailMessage() ' Use with SMTP client service
slogyard = slogyard.Replace(ControlChars.Lf, "<br>")
sScaling = sScaling.Replace(ControlChars.Lf, "<br>")
sLogMfct = sLogMfct.Replace(ControlChars.Lf, "<br>")
sOther = sOther.Replace(ControlChars.Lf, "<br>")
If scheckbox = True Then
scheckbox = "Yes"
scheckbox = "No"
End If
sHTMLpre = sHTMLpre.Replace("[@Location]", slocation)
sHTMLpre = sHTMLpre.Replace("[@Date]", dtdate)
sHTMLpre = sHTMLpre.Replace("[@LogYard]", slogyard)
sHTMLpre = sHTMLpre.Replace("[@Scaling]", sScaling)
sHTMLpre = sHTMLpre.Replace("[@LogManufacturing]", sLogMfct)
sHTMLpre = sHTMLpre.Replace("[@Scaler]", sScaler)
sHTMLpre = sHTMLpre.Replace("[@Other]", sOther)
sHTMLpre = sHTMLpre.Replace("[@RemotesExist]", scheckbox)
mailMessage.ToRecipients.Add(New EmailAddress($"{sEmailTo}@{sDomain}")) ' Use with Exchange service
mailMessage.From = New EmailAddress($"{sUserName}@{sDomain}") ' Use with Exchange service
mailMessage.Subject = $"Scaling Yard Report for {slocation} on {dtdate}" ' Use with Exchange
mailMessage.Body = sHTMLpre ' Use with Exchange
'mailMessage.IsBodyHtml = True ' Use with SMTP CLient
'mailMessage.To.Add($"{sEmailTo}@{sDomain}") ' Use with SMTP CLient
'mailMessage.From = New MailAddress($"{sUserName}@{sDomain}") ' Use with SMTP
'mailMessage.Subject = $"Scaling Yard Report for {slocation} on {dtdate}" ' Use with SMTP
'mailMessage.Body = sHTMLpre ' Use with SMTP
'Dim SmtpCli As New SmtpClient() ' Leaving this just in case the EWS breaks
'With SmtpCli ' SMTP Client Code
' .UseDefaultCredentials = False
' .Port = 25
' .DeliveryMethod = SmtpDeliveryMethod.Network
' .Host = gSMTPServer
' .Credentials = New NetworkCredential(gSMTPUsername, gSMTPPassword)
'End With
'SmtpCli.Send(mailMessage) ' Use with SMPT client
mailMessage.SendAndSaveCopy() ' Use with Exchange Service
If bLastEmail = True Then
MsgBox("Email Sent Successfully!")
Call MonthlyLog("Email Sent", $"Recipients:{gEmailList}")
End If
Catch ex As Exception
Call MonthlyLog("Email Fail", $"{ex.Message}")
Exit Sub
End Try
End Sub
It fails at the line: mailMessage.SendAndSaveCopy() -in C# but not VB.Net
Getting the error: "the request failed. the underlying connection was closed: an unexpected error occurred on a send"
As I said, it works fine with code, so it is not an exchange server setting like throttling. Any ideas?
Needed to update the target .Net Framework to at least 4.6 or higher. I was working with 4.5. Should have known because I have run into issues with the program not being able to send the emails on older non updated 32bit Windows 10 PC's that don't have 4.6.